NAME WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS - automate the PhantomJS browser SYNOPSIS use WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS->new(); $mech->get(''); $mech->eval_in_page('alert("Hello PhantomJS")'); my $png= $mech->content_as_png(); `->new %options' autodie Control whether HTTP errors are fatal. autodie => 0, # make HTTP errors non-fatal The default is to have HTTP errors fatal, as that makes debugging much easier than expecting you to actually check the results of every action. port Specify the port where PhantomJS should listen port => 8910 log Specify the log level of PhantomJS log => 'OFF' launch_exe Specify the path to the PhantomJS executable. launch_arg Specify additional parameters to the PhantomJS executable. launch_arg => [ "--some-new-parameter=foo" ], driver A premade Selenium::Driver::Remote object. `$mech->js_errors()' print $_->{message} for $mech->js_errors(); An interface to the Javascript Error Console Returns the list of errors in the JEC Maybe this should be called `js_messages' or `js_console_messages' instead. `$mech->clear_js_errors()' $mech->clear_js_errors(); Clears all Javascript messages from the console `$mech->eval_in_page( $str, @args )' `$mech->eval( $str, @args )' my ($value, $type) = $mech->eval( '2+2' ); Evaluates the given Javascript fragment in the context of the web page. Returns a pair of value and Javascript type. This allows access to variables and functions declared "globally" on the web page. This method is special to WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS. `$mech->eval_in_phantomjs $code, @args' $mech->eval_in_phantomjs(<<'JS', "Foobar/1.0"); this.settings.userAgent= arguments[0] JS Evaluates Javascript code in the context of PhantomJS. This allows you to modify properties of PhantomJS. `$api->element_query( \@elements, \%attributes )' my $query = $element_query(['input', 'select', 'textarea'], { name => 'foo' }); Returns the XPath query that searches for all elements with `tagName's in `@elements' having the attributes `%attributes'. The `@elements' will form an `or' condition, while the attributes will form an `and' condition. `$mech->PhantomJS_elementToJS' Returns the Javascript fragment to turn a Selenium::Remote::PhantomJS id back to a Javascript object. `$mech->highlight_node( @nodes )' my @links = $mech->selector('a'); $mech->highlight_node(@links); print $mech->content_as_png(); Convenience method that marks all nodes in the arguments with background: red; border: solid black 1px; display: block; /* if the element was display: none before */ This is convenient if you need visual verification that you've got the right nodes. There currently is no way to restore the nodes to their original visual state except reloading the page. NAVIGATION METHODS `$mech->get( $url, %options )' $mech->get( $url, ':content_file' => $tempfile ); Retrieves the URL `URL'. It returns a faked HTTP::Response object for interface compatibility with WWW::Mechanize. It seems that Selenium and thus Selenium::Remote::Driver have no concept of HTTP status code and thus no way of returning the HTTP status code. Recognized options: * `:content_file' - filename to store the data in * `no_cache' - if true, bypass the browser cache `$mech->get_local( $filename , %options )' $mech->get_local('test.html'); Shorthand method to construct the appropriate `file://' URI and load it into Firefox. Relative paths will be interpreted as relative to `$0'. This method accepts the same options as `->get()'. This method is special to WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS but could also exist in WWW::Mechanize through a plugin. Warning: PhantomJs does not handle local files well. Especially subframes do not get loaded properly. `$mech->post( $url, %options )' $mech->post( '', params => { param => "Hello World" }, headers => { "Content-Type" => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, charset => 'utf-8', ); Sends a POST request to `$url'. A `Content-Length' header will be automatically calculated if it is not given. The following options are recognized: * `headers' - a hash of HTTP headers to send. If not given, the content type will be generated automatically. * `data' - the raw data to send, if you've encoded it already. `$mech->add_header( $name => $value, ... )' $mech->add_header( 'X-WWW-Mechanize-Firefox' => "I'm using it", Encoding => 'text/klingon', ); This method sets up custom headers that will be sent with every HTTP(S) request that Firefox makes. Using multiple instances of WWW::Mechanize::Firefox objects with the same application together with changed request headers will most likely have weird effects. So don't do that. Note that currently, we only support one value per header. `$mech->delete_header( $name , $name2... )' $mech->delete_header( 'User-Agent' ); Removes HTTP headers from the agent's list of special headers. Note that Firefox may still send a header with its default value. `$mech->reset_headers' $mech->reset_headers(); Removes all custom headers and makes Firefox send its defaults again. `$mech->text()' print $mech->text(); Returns the text of the current HTML content. If the content isn't HTML, $mech will die. `$mech->content_encoding()' print "The content is encoded as ", $mech->content_encoding; Returns the encoding that the content is in. This can be used to convert the content from UTF-8 back to its native encoding. `$mech->update_html( $html )' $mech->update_html($html); Writes `$html' into the current document. This is mostly implemented as a convenience method for HTML::Display::MozRepl. `$mech->base()' print $mech->base; Returns the URL base for the current page. The base is either specified through a `base' tag or is the current URL. This method is specific to WWW::Mechanize::Firefox `$mech->content_type()' `$mech->ct()' print $mech->content_type; Returns the content type of the currently loaded document `$mech->is_html()' print $mech->is_html(); Returns true/false on whether our content is HTML, according to the HTTP headers. `$mech->title()' print "We are on page " . $mech->title; Returns the current document title. EXTRACTION METHODS `$mech->links()' print $_->text . " -> " . $_->url . "\n" for $mech->links; Returns all links in the document as WWW::Mechanize::Link objects. Currently accepts no parameters. See `->xpath' or `->selector' when you want more control. `$mech->back( [$synchronize] )' $mech->back(); Goes one page back in the page history. Returns the (new) response. `$mech->forward( [$synchronize] )' $mech->forward(); Goes one page forward in the page history. Returns the (new) response. `$mech->uri()' print "We are at " . $mech->uri; Returns the current document URI. `$mech->success()' $mech->get(''); print "Yay" if $mech->success(); Returns a boolean telling whether the last request was successful. If there hasn't been an operation yet, returns false. This is a convenience function that wraps `$mech->res->is_success'. `$mech->status()' $mech->get(''); print $mech->status(); # 200 Returns the HTTP status code of the response. This is a 3-digit number like 200 for OK, 404 for not found, and so on. `$mech->selector( $css_selector, %options )' my @text = $mech->selector('p.content'); Returns all nodes matching the given CSS selector. If `$css_selector' is an array reference, it returns all nodes matched by any of the CSS selectors in the array. This takes the same options that `->xpath' does. This method is implemented via WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Selector. `$mech->find_link_dom( %options )' print $_->{innerHTML} . "\n" for $mech->find_link_dom( text_contains => 'CPAN' ); A method to find links, like WWW::Mechanize's `->find_links' method. This method returns DOM objects from Firefox instead of WWW::Mechanize::Link objects. Note that Firefox might have reordered the links or frame links in the document so the absolute numbers passed via `n' might not be the same between WWW::Mechanize and WWW::Mechanize::Firefox. Returns the DOM object as MozRepl::RemoteObject::Instance. The supported options are: * `text' and `text_contains' and `text_regex' Match the text of the link as a complete string, substring or regular expression. Matching as a complete string or substring is a bit faster, as it is done in the XPath engine of Firefox. * `id' and `id_contains' and `id_regex' Matches the `id' attribute of the link completely or as part * `name' and `name_contains' and `name_regex' Matches the `name' attribute of the link * `url' and `url_regex' Matches the URL attribute of the link (`href', `src' or `content'). * `class' - the `class' attribute of the link * `n' - the (1-based) index. Defaults to returning the first link. * `single' - If true, ensure that only one element is found. Otherwise croak or carp, depending on the `autodie' parameter. * `one' - If true, ensure that at least one element is found. Otherwise croak or carp, depending on the `autodie' parameter. The method `croak's if no link is found. If the `single' option is true, it also `croak's when more than one link is found. `$mech->find_link( %options )' print $_->text . "\n" for $mech->find_link_dom( text_contains => 'CPAN' ); A method quite similar to WWW::Mechanize's method. The options are documented in `->find_link_dom'. Returns a WWW::Mechanize::Link object. This defaults to not look through child frames. `$mech->find_all_links( %options )' print $_->text . "\n" for $mech->find_link_dom( text_regex => qr/google/i ); Finds all links in the document. The options are documented in `->find_link_dom'. Returns them as list or an array reference, depending on context. This defaults to not look through child frames. `$mech->find_all_links_dom %options' print $_->{innerHTML} . "\n" for $mech->find_link_dom( text_regex => qr/google/i ); Finds all matching linky DOM nodes in the document. The options are documented in `->find_link_dom'. Returns them as list or an array reference, depending on context. This defaults to not look through child frames. `$mech->follow_link( $link )' `$mech->follow_link( %options )' $mech->follow_link( xpath => '//a[text() = "Click here!"]' ); Follows the given link. Takes the same parameters that `find_link_dom' uses. In addition, `synchronize' can be passed to (not) force waiting for a new page to be loaded. Note that `->follow_link' will only try to follow link-like things like `A' tags. `$mech->xpath( $query, %options )' my $link = $mech->xpath('//a[id="clickme"]', one => 1); # croaks if there is no link or more than one link found my @para = $mech->xpath('//p'); # Collects all paragraphs my @para_text = $mech->xpath('//p/text()', type => $mech->xpathResult('STRING_TYPE')); # Collects all paragraphs as text Runs an XPath query in Firefox against the current document. If you need more information about the returned results, use the `->xpathEx()' function. The options allow the following keys: * `document' - document in which the query is to be executed. Use this to search a node within a specific subframe of `$mech->document'. * `frames' - if true, search all documents in all frames and iframes. This may or may not conflict with `node'. This will default to the `frames' setting of the WWW::Mechanize::Firefox object. * `node' - node relative to which the query is to be executed. Note that you will have to use a relative XPath expression as well. Use .//foo instead of //foo * `single' - If true, ensure that only one element is found. Otherwise croak or carp, depending on the `autodie' parameter. * `one' - If true, ensure that at least one element is found. Otherwise croak or carp, depending on the `autodie' parameter. * `maybe' - If true, ensure that at most one element is found. Otherwise croak or carp, depending on the `autodie' parameter. * `all' - If true, return all elements found. This is the default. You can use this option if you want to use `->xpath' in scalar context to count the number of matched elements, as it will otherwise emit a warning for each usage in scalar context without any of the above restricting options. * `any' - no error is raised, no matter if an item is found or not. * `type' - force the return type of the query. type => $mech->xpathResult('ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE'), WWW::Mechanize::Firefox tries a best effort in giving you the appropriate result of your query, be it a DOM node or a string or a number. In the case you need to restrict the return type, you can pass this in. The allowed strings are documented in the MDN. Interesting types are ANY_TYPE (default, uses whatever things the query returns) STRING_TYPE NUMBER_TYPE ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE Returns the matched results. You can pass in a list of queries as an array reference for the first parameter. The result will then be the list of all elements matching any of the queries. This is a method that is not implemented in WWW::Mechanize. In the long run, this should go into a general plugin for WWW::Mechanize. `$mech->by_id( $id, %options )' my @text = $mech->by_id('_foo:bar'); Returns all nodes matching the given ids. If `$id' is an array reference, it returns all nodes matched by any of the ids in the array. This method is equivalent to calling `->xpath' : $self->xpath(qq{//*[\@id="$_"], %options) It is convenient when your element ids get mistaken for CSS selectors. `$mech->click( $name [,$x ,$y] )' $mech->click( 'go' ); $mech->click({ xpath => '//button[@name="go"]' }); Has the effect of clicking a button (or other element) on the current form. The first argument is the `name' of the button to be clicked. The second and third arguments (optional) allow you to specify the (x,y) coordinates of the click. If there is only one button on the form, `$mech->click()' with no arguments simply clicks that one button. If you pass in a hash reference instead of a name, the following keys are recognized: * `selector' - Find the element to click by the CSS selector * `xpath' - Find the element to click by the XPath query * `dom' - Click on the passed DOM element You can use this to click on arbitrary page elements. There is no convenient way to pass x/y co-ordinates with this method. * `id' - Click on the element with the given id This is useful if your document ids contain characters that do look like CSS selectors. It is equivalent to xpath => qq{//*[\@id="$id"]} * `synchronize' - Synchronize the click (default is 1) Synchronizing means that WWW::Mechanize::Firefox will wait until one of the events listed in `events' is fired. You want to switch it off when there will be no HTTP response or DOM event fired, for example for clicks that only modify the DOM. You can pass in a scalar that is a false value to not wait for any kind of event. Passing in an array reference will use the array elements as Javascript events to wait for. Passing in any other true value will use the value of `->events' as the list of events to wait for. Returns a HTTP::Response object. As a deviation from the WWW::Mechanize API, you can also pass a hash reference as the first parameter. In it, you can specify the parameters to search much like for the `find_link' calls. `$mech->click_button( ... )' $mech->click_button( name => 'go' ); $mech->click_button( input => $mybutton ); Has the effect of clicking a button on the current form by specifying its name, value, or index. Its arguments are a list of key/value pairs. Only one of name, number, input or value must be specified in the keys. * `name' - name of the button * `value' - value of the button * `input' - DOM node * `id' - id of the button * `number' - number of the button If you find yourself wanting to specify a button through its `selector' or `xpath', consider using `->click' instead. FORM METHODS `$mech->current_form()' print $mech->current_form->{name}; Returns the current form. This method is incompatible with WWW::Mechanize. It returns the DOM `
' object and not a HTML::Form instance. The current form will be reset by WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS on calls to `->get()' and `->get_local()', and on calls to `->submit()' and `->submit_with_fields'. `$mech->form_name( $name [, %options] )' $mech->form_name( 'search' ); Selects the current form by its name. The options are identical to those accepted by the $mech->xpath method. `$mech->form_id( $id [, %options] )' $mech->form_id( 'login' ); Selects the current form by its `id' attribute. The options are identical to those accepted by the $mech->xpath method. This is equivalent to calling $mech->by_id($id,single => 1,%options) `$mech->form_number( $number [, %options] )' $mech->form_number( 2 ); Selects the *number*th form. The options are identical to those accepted by the $mech->xpath method. `$mech->form_with_fields( [$options], @fields )' $mech->form_with_fields( 'user', 'password' ); Find the form which has the listed fields. If the first argument is a hash reference, it's taken as options to `->xpath'. See also $mech->submit_form. `$mech->forms( %options )' my @forms = $mech->forms(); When called in a list context, returns a list of the forms found in the last fetched page. In a scalar context, returns a reference to an array with those forms. The options are identical to those accepted by the $mech->selector method. The returned elements are the DOM `' elements. `$mech->field( $selector, $value, [,\@pre_events [,\@post_events]] )' $mech->field( user => 'joe' ); $mech->field( not_empty => '', [], [] ); # bypass JS validation Sets the field with the name given in `$selector' to the given value. Returns the value. The method understands very basic CSS selectors in the value for `$selector', like the HTML::Form find_input() method. A selector prefixed with '#' must match the id attribute of the input. A selector prefixed with '.' matches the class attribute. A selector prefixed with '^' or with no prefix matches the name attribute. By passing the array reference `@pre_events', you can indicate which Javascript events you want to be triggered before setting the value. `@post_events' contains the events you want to be triggered after setting the value. By default, the events set in the constructor for `pre_events' and `post_events' are triggered. `$mech->value( $selector_or_element, [%options] )' print $mech->value( 'user' ); Returns the value of the field given by `$selector_or_name' or of the DOM element passed in. The legacy form of $mech->value( name => value ); is also still supported but will likely be deprecated in favour of the `->field' method. For fields that can have multiple values, like a `select' field, the method is context sensitive and returns the first selected value in scalar context and all values in list context. `$mech->get_set_value( %options )' Allows fine-grained access to getting/setting a value with a different API. Supported keys are: pre post name value in addition to all keys that `$mech->xpath' supports. `$mech->submit( $form )' $mech->submit; Submits the form. Note that this does not fire the `onClick' event and thus also does not fire eventual Javascript handlers. Maybe you want to use `$mech->click' instead. The default is to submit the current form as returned by `$mech->current_form'. `$mech->submit_form( %options )' $mech->submit_form( with_fields => { user => 'me', pass => 'secret', } ); This method lets you select a form from the previously fetched page, fill in its fields, and submit it. It combines the form_number/form_name, set_fields and click methods into one higher level call. Its arguments are a list of key/value pairs, all of which are optional. * `form => $mech->current_form()' Specifies the form to be filled and submitted. Defaults to the current form. * `fields => \%fields' Specifies the fields to be filled in the current form * `with_fields => \%fields' Probably all you need for the common case. It combines a smart form selector and data setting in one operation. It selects the first form that contains all fields mentioned in \%fields. This is nice because you don't need to know the name or number of the form to do this. (calls $mech->form_with_fields() and $mech->set_fields()). If you choose this, the form_number, form_name, form_id and fields options will be ignored. `$mech->set_fields( $name => $value, ... )' $mech->set_fields( user => 'me', pass => 'secret', ); This method sets multiple fields of the current form. It takes a list of field name and value pairs. If there is more than one field with the same name, the first one found is set. If you want to select which of the duplicate field to set, use a value which is an anonymous array which has the field value and its number as the 2 elements. `$mech->expand_frames( $spec )' my @frames = $mech->expand_frames(); Expands the frame selectors (or `1' to match all frames) into their respective PhantomJS nodes according to the current document. All frames will be visited in breadth first order. This is mostly an internal method. `$mech->current_frame' my $last_frame= $mech->current_frame; # Switch frame somewhere else # Switch back $mech->activate_container( $last_frame ); Returns the currently active frame as a WebElement. This is mostly an internal method. See also Frames are currently not really supported./root/update-wan-ip --verbose --server -h -f /root/Kdyn-datenzoo-de+157+57591.privatevers CONTENT RENDERING METHODS `$mech->content_as_png( [$tab, \%coordinates, \%target_size ] )' my $png_data = $mech->content_as_png(); # Create scaled-down 480px wide preview my $png_data = $mech->content_as_png(undef, undef, { width => 480 }); Returns the given tab or the current page rendered as PNG image. All parameters are optional. * `$tab' defaults to the current tab. * If the coordinates are given, that rectangle will be cut out. The coordinates should be a hash with the four usual entries, `left',`top',`width',`height'. * The target size of the image can also be given. It defaults to the size of the image. The allowed parameters in the hash are `scalex', `scaley' - for specifying the scale, default is 1.0 in each direction. `width', `height' - for specifying the target size If you want the resulting image to be 480 pixels wide, specify { width => 480 } The height will then be calculated from the ratio of original width to original height. This method is specific to WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS. Currently, the data transfer between PhantomJS and Perl is done Base64-encoded. =cut sub content_as_png { my ($self, $tab, $rect, $target_rect) = @_; #$tab ||= $self->tab; $rect ||= {}; $target_rect ||= {}; #require MIME::Base64; #my $png_base64 = $self->driver->screenshot(); #return MIME::Base64::decode_base64($png_base64); return $self->render_content( format => 'png' ); }; `$mech->viewport_size' print Dumper $mech->viewport_size; $mech->viewport_size({ width => 1388, height => 792 }); Returns (or sets) the new size of the viewport (the "window"). `$mech->element_as_png( $element )' my $shiny = $mech->selector('#shiny', single => 1); my $i_want_this = $mech->element_as_png($shiny); Returns PNG image data for a single element `$mech->render_element( %options )' my $shiny = $mech->selector('#shiny', single => 1); my $i_want_this= $mech->render_element( element => $shiny, format => 'pdf', ); Returns the data for a single element or writes it to a file. It accepts all options of `->render_content'. `$mech->element_coordinates( $element )' my $shiny = $mech->selector('#shiny', single => 1); my ($pos) = $mech->element_coordinates($shiny); print $pos->{left},',', $pos->{top}; Returns the page-coordinates of the `$element' in pixels as a hash with four entries, `left', `top', `width' and `height'. This function might get moved into another module more geared towards rendering HTML. `$mech->render_content(%options)' my $pdf_data = $mech->render( format => 'pdf' ); $mech->render_content( format => 'jpg', filename => '/path/to/my.jpg', ); Returns the current page rendered in the specified format as a bytestring or stores the current page in the specified filename. The filename must be absolute. We are dealing with external processes here! This method is specific to WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS. Currently, the data transfer between PhantomJS and Perl is done through a temporary file, so directly using the `filename' option may be faster. `$mech->content_as_pdf(%options)' my $pdf_data = $mech->content_as_pdf(); $mech->content_as_pdf( filename => '/path/to/my.pdf', ); Returns the current page rendered in PDF format as a bytestring. This method is specific to WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS. Currently, the data transfer between PhantomJS and Perl is done through a temporary file, so directly using the `filename' option may be faster. INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH WWW::Mechanize As this module is in a very early stage of development, there are many incompatibilities. The main thing is that only the most needed WWW::Mechanize methods have been implemented by me so far. Unsupported Methods At least the following methods are unsupported: * `->find_all_inputs' This function is likely best implemented through `$mech->selector'. * `->find_all_submits' This function is likely best implemented through `$mech->selector'. * `->images' This function is likely best implemented through `$mech->selector'. * `->find_image' This function is likely best implemented through `$mech->selector'. * `->find_all_images' This function is likely best implemented through `$mech->selector'. Functions that will likely never be implemented These functions are unlikely to be implemented because they make little sense in the context of PhantomJS. * `->clone' * `->credentials( $username, $password )' * `->get_basic_credentials( $realm, $uri, $isproxy )' * `->clear_credentials()' * `->put' I have no use for it * `->post' I have no use for it TODO * Add `limit' parameter to `->xpath()' to allow an early exit-case when searching through frames. * Implement download progress INSTALLING * Install the `PhantomJS' executable * Copy the `ghostdriver' Javascript code from this distribution to a directory accessible to you. * In your program, create the WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS object with launch_arg => ['/path/to/ghostdriver/src/main.js' ], SEE ALSO * - the PhantomJS homepage * WWW::Mechanize - the module whose API grandfathered this module * WWW::Scripter - another WWW::Mechanize-workalike with Javascript support * WWW::Mechanize::Firefox - a similar module with a visible application REPOSITORY The public repository of this module is SUPPORT The public support forum of this module is TALKS I've given two talks about this module at Perl conferences: html BUG TRACKER Please report bugs in this module via the RT CPAN bug queue at S or via mail to AUTHOR Max Maischein `' COPYRIGHT (c) Copyright 2014 by Max Maischein `'. LICENSE This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.