cpansearch ========== cpansearch is written in C, provides a quick interface for searching cpan modules. ## To install **REQUIREMENT** * curl * glib ### Binary $ wget -O cpans $ chmod +x cpans $ cp cpans ~/bin/ ### Build - For debian-based system: $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libglib2.0-dev $ perl Makefile.PL $ make install ### Build - For mac users: install from macport: $ sudo port install curl glib2 $ perl Makefile.PL $ make install ## Usage --init [uri] | --fetch [uri] | -i [uri] > initialize a source list from a specified uri: --update | -u > update source list data. -i > ignore case # Example ## To initialize source list datafile. $ cpans --fetch # this will autodetect local mirror from .minicpanrc $ cpans --fetch # the same $ cpans -f ## To update list $ cpans --update $ cpans -u ## To search modules Supports posix extended regular expression: $ cpans App:: $ cpans "^Any" Show names only: $ cpans -n App:: Pipe to cpanminus to install: $ cpans -n App:: | cpanm Show full url: $ cpans -nl App:: $ cpans "Server$" $ cpans [A-C][A-C] # to ignore case $ cpans -i server ## AUTHORS c9s ## Contributors Shellingford Mattn ## PLATFORM * unix-like * win32 (thanks to @mattn) ## TODO search installed packages. search and install. $ cpans -i AnyEvent::HTTP # call cpanminus to install the only matched one. open browser to search $ cpans -w AnyEvent open document in browser $ cpans -d AnyEvent ncurses UI support