INTRODUCTION ============ `VIM::Pacakger` is an util for vim script pacakge. features are: - dependency solving - easy to install, uninstall, upgrade vim scripts - vim script testing - simple meta file - vim script developing helpers INSTALLATION ============ $ perl Makefile.PL $ sudo make # you might need sudo if you have to install the dependencies. $ sudo make install VIM::Packager ABSTRACT ======================= ### To install a vim package first thing, we need to translate meta file (VIMMETA) into Makefile. just type: $ vim-packager build this will detect dependencies of the vim package and generate Makefile for you. to install dependencies: $ make to install this package: $ make install to clean up files $ make clean ### To uninstall a vim package $ make uninstall ### To link scripts in vimlib to your vim runtime path (~/.vim/) for some reason , you want the scripts be linked to your vim runtime path. ( useful when you are developing vim scripts , you dont need to install them everytime after you modified them ) $ make link ### To distribute your vim package $ make dist ### To upload to you need to specify script\_id in your meta file ( VIMMETA or META ). then run vim-packager build to get your Makefile. then type command below to upload your distribution: $ make dist $ make upload ### To create a vim package from existed scripts $ cd your_plugin/ $ vim-packager init # this should create vimlib/ directory and generate a basic VIMMETA file # for you. mv your script (\*.vim) into vimlib/plugin ( if it's plugin ) $ mv *.vim vimlib/plugin/ update your VIMMETA file. ( see 'To create a vim package' section below ) then transalte our meta file into Makefile: $ vim-packager build update manifest: $ make manifest # for those files you dont want to include in your distribution, # just create MANIFEST.SKIP to create package tarball file: $ make dist ### To create a vim package # XXX: not implmenet yet $ vim-packager create --name=new_plugin --type plugin --author=Cornelius new_plugin/ new_plugin/vimlib/plugin/ new_plugin/vimlib/doc/ new_plugin/vimlib/VIMMETA fill your 'VIMMETA' file =name new_plugin =author Cornelius ( =version plugin/new_plugin.vim # extract version infomation from this file =type syntax =vim_version >= 7.0 =dependency autocomplpop.vim > 0.3 rainbow.vim >= 1.2 # install package from git repository cpan.vim > 0 git:// # for depended scripts which is not on archive network (not existed yet) # we can specify an url to retrieve. # for something like below, check if file exists , if not then download it from [url] # this will be detected when you run 'vim-packager build' # and depdencies will be installed when you type 'make' somewhat.vim | autoload/acp.vim | [url] | plugin/acp.vim | [url2] =script # scripts to install , those files will be installed to ~/.vim/bin/ # this could be specified in future. bin/parser bin/template_generator =repository git://....../ # your repository url then we can translate meta file (VIMMETA) into Makefile. just type: $ vim-packager build to install dependencies: $ make to install this package: $ make install then update your 'MANIFEST' file $ make manifest to create your distribution $ make dist new_plugin-0.1.tar.gz # is out $ make upload Uploading...Done you can also define your 'MANIFEST.SKIP' file .git\* test- ### To create a pure Makefile that doesn't depend on VIM::Packager module $ vim-packager build --pure FOR AN EXISTED VIM DISTRIBUTION =============================== $ cat > ~/.vim-author author: Your Name email: $ cd my_plugin $ vim-packager init --type=plugin --dirs=basic Creating directories. mkdir vimlib/autoload mkdir vimlib/syntax mkdir vimlib/plugin mkdir vimlib/ftplugin mkdir vimlib/ftdetect mkdir vimlib/doc Creating doc skeleton. Writing META. Creating README # --type and --dirs is optional this will mv your vim directories into vimlib/ , if you dont want this then specify `--no-migration` your should update your package information in VIMMETA file $ vim-packager build $ make install VIMSCRIPT DOCUMENT FORMAT ========================= BASIC REQUIREMENT ----------------- "=NAME your name " "=AUTHOR Cornelius " "=AUTHORS " Kana " Cornelius " "=VERSION 0.2 " "=DESCRIPTION " " stories.... " more ... " "=LICENSE MIT " "=REPOSITORY " "=REVISION r4356 " "=REVISION da743bd63d7afa1cc8e054615c0208c1a871b0e2 VARIABLE DOC FORMAT ---------------------- "=[scope]:Var "=g:Var " " g:somehting " variable description " g:options " variable description " line2 " g:options " "== "=s:Var " " s:somehting " variable description " s:options " variable description " line2 " s:options " "== FUNCTION DOC FORMAT ------------------- "=FUNC "=FUNCTION " function_name : " list@hash : " description " " name@string : " description " " @return: "== COMMANDS DOC FORMAT -------------------- "=COMMANDS " " :ReloadCPAN " description " " :AutoComplPopEnable " "== INSTALLATION ========================= To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION ========================= After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc VIM::Packager You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ===================== Copyright (C) 2009 Cornelius This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.