Vimana ====== Vimana is an easy to use system for searching, installing, and downloading vim script. Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude program on Debian linux, for you to search, download, install, upgrade scripts from (vim online site). Vimana can install a vim script package to your vim runtime path automatically by inspecting the content of archive file or vim script. for example, if an archive file contains 'syntax', 'plugin', 'indent' directory, then these files should be installed to ~/.vim/ directory. if it is a vim color scheme, then it should be put into ~/.vim/colors/ and prompt for setting the installed colorscheme as default. Rakefile, makefile, vim meta and vimball installation are supported. For scripts have their own docs, Vimana will try to update helptags after the installations. And now, you can write your own vim meta file (VIM::Packager) or makefile, rakefile for installer. (In some modern Indian languages, vimāna or vimān means "aircraft".) NOTE: Vimana only provides search, info, and install commmands currently. SCREENSHOT =============== ![img]( INSTALLATION =============== To install from CPAN: $ sudo cpan Vimana To install this module, run the following commands: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install To have a local version Vimana (install vimana without root permission): $ curl | perl To install this module from , you need to clone the repository (For people who uses cpan first time, please run this command: $ sudo bash then run the following commands (you will need root permission): $ git clone git:// $ cd Vimana $ perl Makefile.PL $ sudo make install USAGE ======== to update index $ vimana update to search jifty script $ vimana search rails to search colorscheme: $ vimana search -t color to search ftplugin: $ vimana search -t ftplugin to search ftplugin and "abc" keyword: $ vimana search -t ftplugin abc to install snipmate.vim package: $ vimana install snipmate to install snipmate.vim package to the other runtime path: $ vimana i snipmate -r ~/.vim-other-rtp # or $ vimana install snipmate --runtime-path ~/.vim-other-rtp to install rails.vim package: $ vimana install rails.vim to download: $ vimana download markdown-syntax.vim to remove a package: $ vimana remove fuzzyfinder to force remove a package: $ vimana remove -f fuzzyfinder to list installed packages: $ vimana installed to list installed package content: $ vimana installed snipmate COMMAND ALIAS ============= $ vimana i # alias of install command. $ vimana s # alias of search command. $ vimana d # alias of download command. TESTED CASES ============ $ vimana i hypergit.vim $ vimana i the-nerd-tree $ vimana i autocomplpop $ vimaan i gsession.vim $ vimana i snipmate $ vimana i svg.vim $ vimana i railscasts-theme $ vimana i dark-ruby $ vimana i $ vimana i xml.vim $ vimana i cctree $ vimana i markdown-syntax $ vimana i gist.vim $ vimana i googlereader.vim $ vimana i git:git:// $ vimana i $ vimana i svn:svn+ssh://path/to/your/repo $ vimana i jslint.vim $ vimana i fakeclip $ vimana remove fakeclip $ cd snipmate.git $ vimana i . # install from current path. $ vimana installed # list installed scripts $ vimana installed gist.vim # list installed content of gist.vim MAKE YOUR PLUGIN INSTALLABLE ============================ 1. use vim runtime directory structure like this: foo.tar.gz: plugin/foo.vim syntax/foo.vim doc/foo.txt 2. add type info in your vim script file: " script type: plugin uppercase also available: " Script Type: plugin then the script will be installed into `~/.vim/plugin/`. SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION ========================== After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Vimana IRC Channel: #vimana on You can also look for information at: vim-addon-manager : another vim script manager (which is written in VimL). RT, CPAN's request tracker AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ========================= Copyright (C) 2007 You-An Lin 林佑安 ( Cornelius / c9s ) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.