======================================================================= Device::Modem - a Perl class to interface generic modems (AT-compliant) Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Cosimo Streppone, cosimo@cpan.org ======================================================================= This is a perl extension to talk to AT compliant devices via serial port. It should be enough platform independent as you need. For more details, look at the "docs/" folder where you will find a minimal FAQ ("docs/FAQ.pod"), and the full documentation for this extension ("docs/Modem.pod"). Please contact me for any problems you may encounter using this beast. Have fun! Prerequisites ------------- + working perl installation >= 5.005_03 + Device::SerialPort >= 0.19 (Win32::SerialPort in on Windows platform) + a modem or AT-compliant device if you want to use it for some real work Installation ------------ This module installs like all other good old perl modules: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install Licensing terms --------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Additionally, this is BETA software, so use it at your own risk, and without ANY warranty! For any need of commercial support and/or licensing, please contact me directly: Cosimo Streppone Advertising :-) --------------- Check out also Device::Gsm module from the same author to work with GSM devices connected via serial port.