Tk-Gpack version 0.05 ===================== DESCRIPTION ########################## Gpack uses a series of single letter abbreviations to expand packing or gridding options. The functions these strings are as follows: gpack xpack spack tpack, ggrid xgrid sgrid and tgrid. by using this module all of these functions will be exported into the Tk namespace. SYNOPSIS ########################## gpack qw($frame1 stawx1fx $frame2 stawx1fb $frame3 stawx1fb) ; # group pack # same as: # $frame1->pack(side => top, -anchor => w, -expand => 1, -fill => x) ; # $frame2->pack(-side => top, -anchor => w, -expand => 1, -fill => both) ; # $frame3->pack(-side => top, -anchor => w, -expand => 1, -fill => both) ; $button1->xpack('slan', -in => $frame1) ; # expand pack # same as: # $button1->pack(-side => left, -anchor => n, -in => $frame1) ; tpack qw($frame1 $button1 slan $button2 slan) ; # target pack # same as: # $button1->pack(-side => left, -anchor => north, -in => $frame1) ; # $button2->pack(-side => left, -anchor => north, -in => $frame1) ; $derivedbutton1->configure(-geometry => 'slan') ; $derivedbutton1->spack(-in => $frame3) ; # self pack # Note: This only works with Derived objects that define a -geometry ConfigSpec. # Effectively this allows any derived widgets you create to embed their own # gpack or ggrid formated string. ggrid qw($button1 r0c0 $button2 r10c10) ; # group grid # Grids buttons in opposite corners. tgrid qw($frame1 $button1 r0c0 $button2 r10c10) ; # target grid # stick $button1 and button2 in $frame1 and in opposite corners $button1->xgrid('r5c15', -in => $someframe) ; # expand grid # grid it, and stick it in $someframe $derivedbutton1->configure(-geometry => 'r0c2') ; $derivedbutton1->sgrid() ; # self grid #Note: as above sgrid is dependent on the the widget being Derived. INSTALLATION ########################### To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires nothing special COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2005 Crosswire Industries Inc. ( This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.