NAME Perl::Dist::WiX - Experimental 4th generation Win32 Perl distribution builder DESCRIPTION This package is the experimental upgrade to Perl::Dist based on Windows Install XML technology, instead of Inno Setup. METHODS new The new method creates a new Perl Distribution build as an object. Each object is used to create a single distribution, and then should be discarded. Although there are about 30 potential constructor arguments that can be provided, most of them are automatically resolved and exist for overloading puposes only, or they revert to sensible defaults and generally never need to be modified. The following is an example of the most likely attributes that will be specified. my $build = Perl::Dist::WiX->new( image_dir => 'C:\vanilla', temp_dir => 'C:\tmp\vp', msi_directory_tree_additions => [ qw( c\bin\program perl\lib\Acme )], cpan => URI->new(('file://C|/minicpan/')), ); Attributes that are required to be set are marked as *(required)* below. They may often be set by subclasses. * image_dir *(required)* Perl::Dist::WiX distributions can only be installed to fixed paths as of yet. To facilitate a correctly working CPAN setup, the files that will ultimately end up in the installer must also be assembled under the same path on the author's machine. The "image_dir" method specifies the location of the Perl install, both on the author's and end-user's host. Please note that this directory will be automatically deleted if it already exists at object creation time. Trying to build a Perl distribution on the SAME distribution can thus have devastating results. * temp_dir Perl::Dist::WiX needs a series of temporary directories while it is running the build, including places to cache downloaded files, somewhere to expand tarballs to build things, and somewhere to put debugging output and the final installer zip and exe files. The "temp_dir" param specifies the root path for where these temporary directories should be created. For convenience it is best to make these short paths with simple names, near the root. This parameter defaults to a subdirectory of $ENV{TEMP} if not specified. * force The "force" parameter determines if perl and perl modules are tested upon installation. If this parameter is true, then no testing is done. * trace The "trace" parameter sets the level of tracing that is output. Setting this parameter to 0 prints out only MAJOR stuff and errors. Setting this parameter to 2 or above will print out the level as the first thing on the line. Setting this parameter to 3 or above will print out the filename and line number after the trace level on those lines that require a trace level of 3 or above to print. Setting this parameter to 5 or above will print out the filename and line number on every line. Default is 1 if not set. * perl_version The "perl_version" parameter specifies what version of perl is downloaded and built. Legal values for this parameter are '588', '589', and '5100' (for 5.8.8, 5.8.9, and 5.10.0, respectively.) This parameter defaults to '5100' if not specified. * cpan The "cpan" param provides a path to a CPAN or minicpan mirror that the installer can use to fetch any needed files during the build process. The param should be a URI object to the root of the CPAN repository, including trailing slash. If you are online and no "cpan" param is provided, the value will default to the repository as a convenience. * portable The optional boolean "portable" param is used to indicate that the distribution is intended for installation on a portable storable device. * zip The optional boolean "zip" param is used to indicate that a zip distribution package should be created. * msi The optional boolean "msi" param is used to indicate that a Windows Installer distribution package (otherwise known as an msi file) should be created. * exe The optional boolean "exe" param is deprecated. * checkpoint_after Stops the installation at the stage that has this number. * checkpoint_before Starts a saved installation at the stage that has this number. * app_id *(required)* The "app_id" parameter provides the base identifier of the distribution that is used in constructing filenames. This must be a legal Perl identifier (no spaces, for example) and is required. * app_name *(required)* The "app_name" parameter provides the name of the distribution. This is required. * app_publisher *(required)* The "app_publisher" parameter provides the publisher of the distribution. * app_publisher_url *(required)* The "app_publisher_url" parameter provides the URL of the publisher of the distribution. * default_group_name The name for the Start menu group this program installs its shortcuts to. Defaults to app_name if none is provided. * msi_debug The optional boolean "msi_debug" parameter is used to indicate that a debugging MSI (one that creates a log in $ENV{TEMP}) will be created if "msi" is also true. * build_number *(required)* The required integer "build_number" parameter is used to set the build number portion of the distribution's version number, and is used in constructing filenames. * beta_number The optional integer "beta_number" parameter is used to set the beta number portion of the distribution's version number (if this is a beta distribution), and is used in constructing filenames. It defaults to 0 if not set, which will construct distributions without a beta number. * msi_license_file The optional "msi_license_file" parameter specifies the location of an .rtf or .txt file to be displayed at the point where the MSI asks you to accept a license. Perl::Dist::WiX provides a default one if none is supplied here. * msi_banner_top The optional "msi_banner_top" parameter specifies the location of a 493x58 .bmp file that is used on the top of most of the dialogs in the MSI file. WiX will use its default if no file is supplied here. * msi_banner_side The optional "msi_banner_side" parameter specifies the location of a 493x312 .bmp file that is used in the introductory dialog in the MSI file. WiX will use its default if no file is supplied here. * msi_help_url The optional "msi_help_url" parameter specifies the URL that Add/Remove Programs directs you to for support when you click the "Click here for support information." text. * msi_readme_file The optional "msi_readme_file" parameter specifies a .txt or .rtf file or a URL (TODO: check) that is linked in Add/Remove Programs in the "Click here for support information." text. * msi_product_icon The optional "msi_product_icon" parameter specifies the icon that is used in Add/Remove Programs for this MSI file. * msi_directory_tree_additions The optional "msi_directory_tree_additions" parameter is a reference to an array of directories under image_dir (i.e. perl\lib\Module, as opposed to C:\distribution\perl\lib\module) that need to be in the initial directory tree because they are used by more than one fragment. If upon running the distribution module, you see LGHT0091 or LGHT0130 errors at the end that refer to directories, add the applicable directories to this parameter. The "new" constructor returns a Perl::Dist object, which you should then call "run" on to generate the distribution. Accessors $id = $dist->bin_candle; Accessors will return a specified portion of the distribution state. If it can also be set as a parameter to "new", it is marked as *(also "new" parameter)* below. binary_root *(also "new" parameter)* The "binary_root" accessor returns the URL (as a string, not including the filename) where the distribution will be uploaded. Defaults to ''. modules_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The directory where the modules for the distribution will be downloaded to. Defaults to "download_dir" . '\modules'. license_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The subdirectory of image_dir where the licenses for the different portions of the distribution will be copied to. Defaults to "image_dir" . '\licenses'. build_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The directory where the source files for the distribution will be extracted and built from. Defaults to "temp_dir" . '\build'. checkpoint_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The directory where Perl::Dist::WiX will store its checkpoints. Defaults to "temp_dir" . '\checkpoint'. bin_perl, bin_make, bin_pexports, bin_dlltool The location of perl.exe, dmake.exe, pexports.exe, and dlltool.exe. These only are available (not undef) once the appropriate packages are installed. env_path An arrayref storing the different directories under "image_dir" that need to be added to the PATH. debug_stdout, debug_stderr The files where STDOUT and STDERR is redirected to to receive the output of make and perl. Defaults to "output_dir" . '\debug.out' and "output_dir" . '\debug.err' perl_version_corelist A hash containing the versions of the core modules in the version of perl being distributed. Retrieved from Module::Corelist. output_file The list of distributions created as an array reference. filters Provides an array reference of files and directories that will not be installed. Initialized in "new". dist_dir Provides a shortcut to the location of the shared files directory. Returns a directory as a string or dies on error. offline The Perl::Dist module has limited ability to build offline, if all packages have already been downloaded and cached. The connectedness of the Perl::Dist object is checked automatically be default using LWP::Online. It can be overidden by providing an offline param to the constructor. The "offline" accessor returns true if no connection to "the internet" is available and the object will run in offline mode, or false otherwise. download_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The "download_dir" accessor returns the path to the directory that packages of various types will be downloaded and cached to. An explicit value can be provided via a "download_dir" param to the constructor. Otherwise the value is derived from "temp_dir". image_dir *(also "new" parameter)* The "image_dir" accessor returns the path to the built distribution image. That is, the directory in which the build C/Perl code and modules will be installed on the build server. At the present time, this is also the path to which Perl will be installed on the user's machine via the "source_dir" accessor, which is an alias to the Perl::Dist::WiX::Installer method "source_dir". (although theoretically they can be different, this is likely to break the user's Perl install) perl_version The "perl_version" accessor returns the shorthand perl version as a string (consisting of the three-part version with dots removed). Thus Perl 5.8.8 will be "588" and Perl 5.10.0 will return "5100". perl_version_literal The "perl_version_literal" method returns the literal numeric Perl version for the distribution. For Perl 5.8.8 this will be '5.008008', Perl 5.8.9 will be '5.008009', and for Perl 5.10.0 this will be '5.010000'. perl_version_human The "perl_version_human" method returns the "marketing" form of the Perl version. This will be either '5.8.8', '5.8.9' or '5.10.0'. run The "run" method is the main method for the class. It does a complete build of a product, spitting out an installer. Returns true, or throws an exception on error. This method may take an hour or more to run. Routines used by "run" install_custom The "install_custom" method is an empty install stub provided to allow sub-classed distributions to add vastly different additional packages on top of Strawberry Perl. For example, this class is used by the Parrot distribution builder (which needs to sit on a full Strawberry install). Notably, the "install_custom" method comes AFTER "remove_waste", so that the file deletion logic in "remove_waste" won't accidntally delete files that may result in a vastly more damaging effect on the custom software. Returns true, or throws an error on exception. install_c_toolchain The "install_c_toolchain" method is used by "run" to install various binary packages to provide a working C development environment. By default, the C toolchain consists of dmake, gcc (C/C++), binutils, pexports, the mingw runtime environment, and the win32api C package. Although dmake is the "standard" make for Perl::Dist distributions, it will also install the mingw version of GNU make for use with those modules that require it. install_c_libraries The "install_c_libraries" method is an empty install stub provided to allow sub-classed distributions to add vastly different additional packages on top of Strawberry Perl. Returns true, or throws an error on exception. install_perl_* (* = 588, 589, or 5100) $self->install_perl_5100; The "install_perl_*" method provides a simplified way to install Perl into the distribution. It takes care of calling "install_perl_*_bin" with the standard params, and then calls "install_perl_toolchain" to set up the CPAN toolchain. Returns true, or throws an exception on error. install_perl_*_bin $self->install_perl_5100_bin( name => 'perl', dist => 'RGARCIA/perl-5.10.0.tar.gz', unpack_to => 'perl', license => { 'perl-5.10.0/Readme' => 'perl/Readme', 'perl-5.10.0/Artistic' => 'perl/Artistic', 'perl-5.10.0/Copying' => 'perl/Copying', }, install_to => 'perl', ); The "install_perl_*_bin" method takes care of the detailed process of building the Perl binary and installing it into the distribution. A short summary of the process would be that it downloads or otherwise fetches the named package, unpacks it, copies out any license files from the source code, then tweaks the Win32 makefile to point to the specific build directory, and then runs make/make test/make install. It also registers some environment variables for addition to the Inno Setup script. It is normally called directly by "install_perl_*" rather than directly from the API, but is documented for completeness. It takes a number of parameters that are sufficiently detailed above. Returns true (after 20 minutes or so) or throws an exception on error. install_dmake $dist->install_dmake The "install_dmake" method installs the dmake make tool into the distribution, and is typically installed during "C toolchain" build phase. It provides the approproate arguments to "install_binary" and then validates that the binary was installed correctly. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_gcc $dist->install_gcc The "install_gcc" method installs the GNU C Compiler into the distribution, and is typically installed during "C toolchain" build phase. It provides the appropriate arguments to several "install_binary" calls. The default "install_gcc" method installs two binary packages, the core compiler 'gcc-core' and the C++ compiler 'gcc-c++'. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_binutils $dist->install_binutils The "install_binutils" method installs the "GNU binutils" package into the distribution. The most important of these is "dlltool.exe", which is used to extract static library files from .dll files. This is needed by some libraries to let the Perl interfaces build against them correctly. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_pexports $dist->install_pexports The "install_pexports" method installs the "MinGW pexports" package into the distribution. This is needed by some libraries to let the Perl interfaces build against them correctly. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_mingw_runtime $dist->install_mingw_runtime The "install_mingw_runtime" method installs the MinGW runtime package into the distribution, which is basically the MinGW version of libc and some other very low level libs. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_zlib $dist->install_zlib The "install_zlib" method installs the GNU zlib compression library into the distribution, and is typically installed during "C toolchain" build phase. It provides the appropriate arguments to a "install_library" call that will extract the standard zlib win32 package, and generate the additional files that Perl needs. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_win32api $dist->install_win32api The "install_win32api" method installs "MinGW win32api" layer, to allow C code to compile against native Win32 APIs. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_mingw_make $dist->install_mingw_make The "install_mingw_make" method installs the MinGW build of the GNU make build tool. While GNU make is not used by Perl itself, some C libraries can't be built using the normal "dmake" tool and explicitly need GNU make. So we install it as mingw-make and certain Alien:: modules will use it by that name. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_libiconv $dist->install_libiconv The "install_libiconv" method installs the "GNU libiconv" library, which is used for various character encoding tasks, and is needed for other libraries such as "libxml". Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_libxml $dist->install_libxml The "install_libxml" method installs the "Gnome libxml" library, which is a fast, reliable, XML parsing library, and the new standard library for XML parsing. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_expat $dist->install_expat The "install_expat" method installs the "Expat" XML library, which was the first popular C XML parser. Many Perl XML libraries are based on Expat. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_gmp $dist->install_gmp The "install_gmp" method installs the "GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library", which is used for fast and robust bignum support. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_pari $dist->install_pari The "install_pari" method install (via a PAR package) libpari and the Math::Pari module into the distribution. This method should only be called at during the install_modules phase. General installation methods install_binary $self->install_binary( name => 'gmp', ); The "install_binary" method is used by library-specific methods to install pre-compiled and un-modified tar.gz or zip archives into the distribution. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_library $self->install_binary( name => 'gmp', ); The "install_binary" method is used by library-specific methods to install pre-compiled and un-modified tar.gz or zip archives into the distribution. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_distribution $self->install_distribution( name => 'ADAMK/File-HomeDir-0.69.tar.gz, force => 1, automated_testing => 1, makefilepl_param => [ 'LIBDIR=' . File::Spec->catdir( $self->image_dir, 'c', 'lib', ), ], ); The "install_distribution" method is used to install a single CPAN or non-CPAN distribution directly, without installing any of the dependencies for that distribution. It is used primarily during CPAN bootstrapping, to allow the installation of the toolchain modules, with the distribution install order precomputed or hard-coded. It takes a compulsory 'name' param, which should be the AUTHOR/file path within the CPAN mirror. The optional 'force' param allows the installation of distributions with spuriously failing test suites. The optional 'automated_testing' param allows for installation with the "AUTOMATED_TESTING" environment flag enabled, which is used to either run more-intensive testing, or to convince certain Makefile.PL that insists on prompting that there is no human around and they REALLY need to just go with the default options. The optional 'makefilepl_param' param should be a reference to an array of additional params that should be passwd to the "perl Makefile.PL". This can help with distributions that insist on taking additional options via Makefile.PL. Distributions that do not have a Makefile.PL cannot be installed via this routine. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_module $self->install_module( name => 'DBI', ); The "install_module" method is a high level installation method that can be used during the "install_perl_modules" phase, once the CPAN toolchain has been been initialized. It makes the installation call using the CPAN client directly, allowing the CPAN client to both do the installation and fulfill all of the dependencies for the module, identically to if it was installed from the CPAN shell via an "install Module::Name" command. The compulsory 'name' param should be the class name of the module to be installed. The optional 'force' param can be used to force the install of module. This does not, however, force the installation of the dependencies of the module. The optional 'packlist' param sshould be 0 if a .packlist file is not installed with the module. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_modules $self->install_modules( qw{ Foo::Bar This::That One::Two } ); The "install_modules" method is a convenience shorthand that makes it trivial to install a series of modules via "install_module". As a convenience, it does not support any additional params to the underlying "install_module" call other than the name. install_par The "install_par" method extends the available installation options to allow for the install of pre-compiled modules and pre-compiled C libraries via "PAR" packages. The compulsory 'name' param should be a simple identifying name, and does not have any functional use. The compulsory 'uri' param should be a URL string to the PAR package. Returns true on success or throws an exception on error. install_file # Overwrite the CPAN::Config $self->install_file( share => 'Perl-Dist', install_to => 'perl/lib/CPAN/', ); # Install a custom icon file $self->install_file( name => 'Strawberry Perl Website Icon', url => '', install_to => 'Strawberry Perl Website.ico', ); The "install_file" method is used to install a single specific file from various sources into the distribution. It is generally used to overwrite modules with distribution-specific customisations, or to install licenses, README files, or other miscellaneous data files which don't need to be compiled or modified. It takes a variety of different params. The optional 'name' param provides an optional plain name for the file. It does not have any functional purpose or meaning for this method. One of several alternative source methods must be provided. The 'url' method is used to provide a fully-resolved path to the source file and should be a fully-resolved URL. The 'file' method is used to provide a local path to the source file on the local system, and should be a fully-resolved filesystem path. The 'share' method is used to provide a path to a file installed as part of a CPAN distribution, and accessed via File::ShareDir. It should be a string containing two space-seperated value, the first of which is the distribution name, and the second is the path within the share dir of that distribution. The final compulsory method is the 'install_to' method, which provides either a destination file path, or alternatively a path to an existing directory that the file be installed below, using its source file name. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_launcher $self->install_launcher( name => 'CPAN Client', bin => 'cpan', ); The "install_launcher" method is used to describe a binary program launcher that will be added to the Windows "Start" menu when the distribution is installed. It takes two compulsory param. The compulsory 'name' param is the name of the launcher, and the text that label will be displayed in the start menu (Currently this only supports ASCII, and is not language-aware in any way). The compulsory 'bin' param should be the name of a .bat script launcher in the Perl bin directory. The program itself MUST be installed before trying to add the launcher. Returns true or throws an exception on error. install_website $self->install_website( name => 'Strawberry Perl Website', url => '', icon_file => 'Strawberry Perl Website.ico', icon_index => 1, ); The "install_website" param is used to install a "Start" menu entry that will load a website using the default system browser. The compulsory 'name' param should be the name of the website, and will be the labelled displayed in the "Start" menu. The compulsory 'url' param is the fully resolved URL for the website. The optional 'icon_file' param should be the path to a file that contains the icon for the website. The optional 'icon_index' param should be the icon index within the icon file. This param is optional even if the 'icon_file' param has been provided, by default the first icon in the file will be used. Returns true on success, or throws an exception on error. write_zip The "write_zip" method is used to generate a standalone .zip file containing the entire distribution, for situations in which a full installer executable is not wanted (such as for "Portable Perl" type installations). The executable file is written to the output directory, and the location of the file is printed to STDOUT. Returns true or throws an exception or error. SUPPORT Bugs should be reported via: 1) The CPAN bug tracker if you have an account there. 2) Email to bug-Perl-Dist-WiX at if you do not. For other issues, contact the topmost author. AUTHORS Curtis Jewell Adam Kennedy SEE ALSO Perl::Dist, Perl::Dist::Inno, COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 Curtis Jewell. Copyright 2008-2009 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.