NAME Config::FromHash - Read config files containing hashes SYNOPSIS # in config file { thing => 'something', things => ['lots', 'of', 'things'], deep => { ocean => 'submarine', }, } # somewhere else use Config::FromHash; my $config = Config::FromHash->new(filename => 'path/to/theconfig.conf', data => { deep => { ocean => 'thing' }); # prints 'submarine' print $config->get('deep/ocean'); DESCRIPTION Config::FromHash is yet another config file handler. This one reads config files that contain a Perl hash. The following options are available my $config = Config::FromHash->new( filename => 'path/to/config.file', filenames => ['path/to/highest_priority_config.file', 'path/to/might_be_overwritten.file'], environment => 'production', environments => ['production', 'standard'], data => { default => { data => ['structure'] } }, require_all_files => 1, ); "data" Optional. If it exists its value is used as the default settings and will be overwritten if the same setting exists in a config file. "filename" or "filenames" Optional. "filenames" is an alias for "filename". It reads better to use "filenames" if you have many config files. Files are parsed left to right. That is, as soon as a setting is found in a file (while reading left to right) that setting is not overwritten. "environment" or "environments" Optional. "environments" is an alias for "environment" It reads better to use "environment" if you have many environments. If this is set its value is inserted into all config file names, just before the final dot. Environments are read left to right. All files from each environment is read before moving on to the next environment. See Examples below. An environment can be "undef". "require_all_files" Default: 0 Optional. If set to a true value Config::FromHash will "die" if any config file doesn't exist. Otherwise it will silently skip such files. METHODS C$self-> Returns the value that exists at $path. $path is translated into hash keys, and is separated by "/". "$self-"data> Returns the entire hash after all config files have been read. EXAMPLES my $config = Config::FromHash->new( filename => '/path/to/config.file', data => { some => 'setting' }, }; Will read /path/to/config.file And any setting that exists in "data" that has not yet been set will be set. my $config = Config::FromHash->new( filenames => ['/path/to/highest_priority_config.file', '/path/to/might_be_overwritten.file'], environments => ['production', 'standard', undef], data => { default => { data => ['structure'] } }, ); The following files are read (with decreasing priority) /path/to/highest_priority_config.production.file /path/to/might_be_overwritten.production.file /path/to/highest_priority_config.standard.file /path/to/might_be_overwritten.standard.file /path/to/highest_priority_config.file /path/to/might_be_overwritten.file And then any setting that exists in "data" that has not yet been set will be set. my $config->new(data => { hello => 'world', can => { find => ['array', 'refs'] }); # { hello => 'world', can => { find => ['array', 'refs'] } my $hash = $config->data; # $hash is { hello => 'world', can => { find => ['array', 'refs'] } # prints 'refs'; print $config->get('can/find')->[1]; AUTHOR Erik Carlsson COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014- Erik Carlsson LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.