NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter - Twitter when you release with Dist::Zilla VERSION version 0.004 SYNOPSIS In your "dist.ini": [Twitter] In your ".netrc": machine login YOUR_TWITTER_USER_NAME password YOUR_TWITTER_PASSWORD DESCRIPTION This plugin will use Net::Twitter with the login and password in your ".netrc" file to send a release notice to Twitter. By default, it will include a link to your README file as extracted on a fast CPAN mirror. This works very nicely with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod. The default configuration is as follows: [Twitter] tweet_url ={{$AUTHOR_PATH}}/{{$DIST}}-{{$VERSION}}.readme tweet = Released {{$DIST}}-{{$VERSION}} {{$URL}} The "tweet_url" is shortened with WWW::Shorten::TinyURL and appended to the "tweet" messsage. The following variables are available for substitution in the URL and message templates: DIST # Foo-Bar VERSION # 1.23 TARBALL # Foo-Bar-1.23.tar.gz AUTHOR_UC # JOHNDOE AUTHOR_LC # johndoe AUTHOR_PATH # J/JO/JOHNDOE URL # TinyURL You must be using the "UploadToCPAN" plugin for this plugin to determine your CPAN author ID. AUTHOR David Golden COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004