NAME DP::Date - Date manipulation support SYNOPSIS use DP::Date; ... ... DESCRIPTION METHODS new $DateObject = DP::Date->new( [ $Date_asString ] ) index of $DateObject [ blessed array ] 0 - date as string 1 - date as time() - secs since epoch 2 - weekday from local time 3 - yearday from local time asString $Date_asString = $DateObject->asString( [ $SetDate_asString ] ) Get/Set string-of-numbers formatted value date-time value of $DateObject to $SetDate_asString. $Date_asString is string of date numbers without any punctuation, thus having the date-time '2003-12-24 20:00:00' produces date asString '20031224200000' asTime $Date_asTime = $DateObject->asTime( [ $setDate_asTime | time ] ) Get/Set date-time value of $DateObject to $setDate_asTime. $Date_asTime is compatible with perl's time(), ( eg. seconds elapsed since 1.1.1970? ) asISO $Date_asISO = $DateObject->asISO( [ $setDate_asISO ] ) Get/Set ISO formatted date-time value of $DateObject to $setDate_asTime. $Date_asISO example: 2003-12-24 20:00:00 ( no timezone, no 'T' letter as sometimes used 2003-12-24T20:00:00 ) # MUST be EXACTLY this format: 2002-12-24 12:34:56 (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) # no checking, 2b faster GetAsISO $Date_asISO = $DateObject->GetAsISO() Get ISO formatted value of $DateObject to $setDate_asTime. See also asISO() method. GetAsArray @Date_array = $DateObject->GetAsISO() Get array of values of $DateObject to $setDate_asTime, where @Date_array = ( $YYYY, $MM, $DD, $hh, $mm, $ss ) See also asISO() method. SetStringAtOffset $Date_asString = $DateObject->SetStringAtOffset( $offset, $newStringValue ) Example: want to change hour value of $DateObject my $DateObject = DP::Date->new(); $DateObject->SetStringAtOffset( 8, '20' ); # initial date: 2003-12-24 12:34:56 $Date_asISO = $DateObject->GetAsISO(); # changed hour: 2003-12-24 20:34:56 Offsets: year...... 0 +4 month..... 4 +2 day....... 6 +2 hour...... 8 +2 min....... 10 +2 sec....... 12 +2 Year Get/Set $DateObject->Year( [ $YYYY ] ) Month Get/Set $MonthNr = $DateObject->Month( [ $Month_name_as_english_3letters_abbr ] ) MonthNr Get/Set $MonthNr = $DateObject->MonthNr( [ $Month_as_two_digits_based_JAN_eq_01 ] ) Day Get/Set $Day = $DateObject->Day( [ $Day_of_month_as_two_digits ] ) Hour Get/Set $Hour = $DateObject->Hour( [ $Hour_as_two_digits ] ) Minute Get/Set $Minute = $DateObject->Minute( [ $Minute_as_two_digits ] ) Second Get/Set $Second = $DateObject->Second( [ $Second_as_two_digits ] ) GetWeekDay Get $GetWeekDay = $DateObject->GetWeekDay GetYearDay Get $GetYearDay = $DateObject->GetYearDay str2time see source code, sorry cmpString see source code, sorry isSameDateAs Compare $DateObject with $anotherDateObject $bool = $DateObject->isSameDateAs( $anotherDateObject [, $comparingSize ] ) $comparingSize is length of compared date-string . see also asString and cmpString methods. GetYearMonthBeginTime Get the time-value at which the specified month of the year begins. Very usefull! Values are cached as speed improvement. $time_value = $DateObject->GetYearMonthBeginTime( $YYYY_or_YY_string, $MM_string ) see also asTime method. EXPORT nothing FILES none REVISION project started: 2002/06/04 $Id: Date.pm_rev 1.6 2003/12/12 11:00:15 root Exp root $ AUTHOR Daniel Peder Czech Republic national-flag: LeftSideBlueTriangleRightSideHorizontalSplitTopWhiteBottomRed SEE ALSO other date time modules at CPAN,