UNPAX the File: The instructions to unpax the file are: 1. gunzip DBD-DB2-0.70.OS390.pax.gz 2. pax -rvf DBD-DB2-0.70.OS390.pax After the unpax, you will get the directory named "DBD-DB2-0.70.OS390" From this directory, you should read the README and CAVEATS file first. You should delete Perl and DBI that were previously installed and reinstall PERL, DBI and DBD::DB2 using the instruction in the CAVEATS file. For better control of the build process, you should build perl into the private directory and use this perl to install DBI and DBD::DB2 driver You should use "GNU make" instead of the system make during installation. You can get gzip from: http://www.s390.ibm.com/products/oe/bpxqp1.html SUPPORT INFORMATION: DBD::DB2 is now available from your local CPAN site. As a user or maintainer of a local copy of DBD::DB2 you need to be aware of the following addresses: The DBI mailing lists located at dbi-announce@fugue.com for announcements dbi-dev@fugue.com for developer/maintainer discussions dbi-users@fugue.com for end user level discussion and help To subscribe or unsubscribe to each individual list you may use the WWW at http://www.fugue.com/dbi or email at the following addresses dbi-announce-request@fugue.com dbi-dev-request@fugue.com dbi-users-request@fugue.com with your request in the body of the message. Technical support for the DBD::DB2 driver is provided by IBM through its service agreements for DB2 UDB. Information on DB2 UDB service agreements and support can be found on the Web at http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech For other DBD::DB2 information, please see http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/perl Comments/suggestions/enhancement requests may be sent to daot@us.ibm.com We would also appreciate if you could send the following information to the userid listed above: - your name or company name - the type of application making use of the DBD::DB2 driver Please see the following files for more information: CAVEATS - important build/usage information DB2.pod - an example perl script - an explanation of attribute hashes