Yahoo-Photos version 0.0.2 With this module, you can manage your albums on Yahoo Photos (). Currently creating and deleting albums and uploading photos is implemented. The distribution also ships with a handy wrapper script for simple uploading from the shell. INSTALLATION The generic Module::Build installation instructions work. To install system-wide: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test sudo ./Build install To install in a private directory: perl Build.PL --install_base ~/perl ./Build ./Build test ./Build install Do not forget to add $HOME/perl/lib/perl5 to your @INC. See the PERL5LIB environment variable in perldoc perlrun, the -I command line switch in perldoc perlrun or the lib pragma in perldoc lib. DEPENDENCIES * For running: perl-5.8 YAML Readonly HTTP::Cookies::Netscape WWW::Mechanize File::HomeDir Class::Spiffy Perl::Version * For testing, everything above and: Test::Exception TESTING Without special preparation, some tests are skipped. If you want to go to the bother to run everything, you need to have a valid Yahoo login and set it up in a credentials file in the following location: perl -Ilib -MYahoo::Photos -e'print Yahoo::Photos->credfile' It is a YAML file and looks like this: --- user: SUPERHAPPYFUNUSER pass: SUPERHAPPYFUNPASS Additionally, provide a photo named Camel_berlin_2004.jpg suitable for uploading in the same directory. Download from There are some checks provided through Test::Pod::Coverage and Test::Pod if they can be loaded. There is also a test through Test::Perl::Critic, enabled by setting the TEST_AUTHOR env variable. It is not useful for other people than me, the author. WHAT'S NEW 0.0.2 2007-07-12 Some bug fixes in testing. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007, Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.