NAME perl-migrate-modules - Migrate installed CPAN modules from one Perl to another SYNOPSIS perl-migrate-modules [OPTIONS] perl-migrate-modules /path/to/perl-5.28.0 /path/to/perl-5.28.1 perl-migrate-modules -nq /usr/bin/perl ~/bin/perl Options: -h, --help Show this message -n, --notest Skip testing and test dependencies -q, --quiet Show only installation successes and failures -v, --version Show the version of this script DESCRIPTION Reinstalls all modules found in the source Perl into the destination Perl, similar to the clone-modules command for perlbrew or the migrate-modules command for plenv . The Perls may be passed as paths to the base installation directory or paths to the perl executable itself. CAVEATS Only modules with .packlist will be migrated, this will include any module installed by CPAN clients, but generally not modules installed by vendor packages or core modules. Migrated modules will be installed at their latest indexed version, not the version that exists in the source Perl. BUGS Report any issues on the public bugtracker. AUTHOR Dan Book COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Dan Book. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) SEE ALSO "COMMAND: CLONE-MODULES" in perlbrew