================================================================== XML::SimpleObject Copyright 2001-2002 by Dan Brian. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ================================================================== DESCRIPTION This is a small and simple package that takes the output of an XML parser and gives simple methods for accessing the structure of an XML document. It is very lightweight, but provides the simplest access to an XML document possible. It does not subclass XML::Parser or XML::LibXML; rather, it is meant to serve purely as an object struct for an outgoing tree. I originally wrote the module as an example of parsing without handlers. REQUIREMENTS You need either XML::Parser (for XML::SimpleObject) or XML::LibXML (for XML::SimpleObject::LibXML). Tested on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 under perl5.6.0 and perl5.6.1. INSTALLATION (cd LibXML/; if installing the LibXML version) perl Makefile.PL make make install Then look at ex.pl. That pretty much sums up the functionality.