Biblio::ILL::ISO version 0.05 ============================= Biblio::ILL::ISO is a module for handling ISO-protocol Interlibrary Loan messages. According to the ISO standard maintained by the National Library of Canada ( there are 20 message types: ILL-Request Forward-Notification Shipped ILL-Answer Conditional-Reply Cancel Cancel-Reply Received Recall Returned Checked-In Overdue Renew Renew-Answer Lost Damaged Message Status-Query Status-Or-Error-Report Expired Each of these message types is built up from a collection of basic types (such as Transaction-Id, Service-Date-Time, Client-Id, etc). There are about a hundred basic types. In the Biblio::ILL::ISO module, each basic type is implemented as an object derived from a common base, Biblio::ILL::ISO::ILLASNtype. (the "special" types, ENUMERATED and SEQUENCE_OF, are also derived from ILLASNtype, and have certain basic types derived from them in turn). All of the basic type objects are collected into one message-type meta-object, Biblio::ILL::ISO::ISO, from which the various message- type objects are derived. is best thought of as a "pure virtual" class - it's just a base to derive the "real" message-type classes. +---------------------------------------+ | The 20 message-types | +---------------------------------------+ | | +---------------------------------------+ | The hundred or so basic-types | +-------------+--------------+----------+ | | ENUMERATED | SEQUENCE_OF | | +-------------+--------------| | | +---------------------------------------+ To get a feel for how all this works, take a look at the scripts in the pl/ directory (especially pl/, which creates the test cases for messages, and pl/, which creates the test cases for basic types (if you want to dig that deeply)). Messages are encoded to / decoded from BER-encoded files. For encoding of messages, the module uses Convert::ASN1, which expects a hash containing the data. The objects implement an as_asn() method which returns this hash (and is invoked in the message-type object's encode() method). Likewise, for decoding of messages, the module uses Convert::ASN1, which returns a hash of the data. The objects implement a from_asn() method which builds the message-type object from this hash (and is invoked in the message-type object's decode() method). Fortunately, you shouldn't have to worry about all that. Some "special" objects ---------------------- The ASN.1 definition from the ILL ISO Maintenance Agency ( The ASN.1 definition has been tweaked so that Convert::ASN1 can understand it. A base object for building enumerated types (there are a lot of them - grep for ENUMERATED in the lib/Biblio/ILL/ISO directory). A base object for building lists of other types (there are a few of them). The basic-types base object. The message-types base object. A convenience. Includes all of the basic-types (to avoid having to retype it a hundred times!) Some examples ------------- In the pl/ directory, see,, and In the pl/messages directory, there are a read and a write script for each of the message types. Some caveats ------------ Currently, ASN.1 extension handling in Biblio::ILL::ISO doesn't work, pending further understanding on my part ;-) This is a big issue - all message-types can make use of ASN.1 extensions - but it's not a show-stopper. According to the ASN.1 definition, the extensions are optional.... Unfortunately, I suspect that they are common. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install There have been some issues with the test cases. To rebuild the test cases, run the following two scripts from the Biblio::ILL::ISO directory (the new test cases end up in the t/ directory): pl/ pl/ DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Convert::ASN1 (BER encoding/decoding) Data::Dumper (generating the basic types' test cases) COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2003 David Christensen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.