# Chicken::Ipsum Generate random chicken noises. > Bwak cluck cock-a-doodle-doo bwak bwak honk! Pukaaak waaak cluck cluck bok > bwok cock-a-doodle-doo bwok cock-a-doodle-doo cluckity bwak cluck-cluck-cluck > bwwwaaaaaaaaaak? Honk gobble-gobble bwak bok waaak bwak waaak puk bok > gobble-gobble bwok cock-a-doodle-doo... > > — Some chicken, probably ## Why? Often when developing a website or other application, it's important to have placeholders for content. This module generates prescribed amounts of clucking, cawing and other chicken-y noises. ## Installation The simplest way to install `Chicken::Ipsum` is via `cpanm`: ```sh cpanm Chicken::Ipsum ``` One can also install from source by first cloning the repository: ```sh git clone https://codeberg.org/h3xx/perl-Chicken-Ipsum.git ``` then installing the build dependencies: ```sh cpanm Carp List::Util ``` followed by the usual build and test steps: ```sh perl Makefile.PL make make test ``` If all went well, you can now install the distribution by running: ```sh make install ``` ## Author - Dan Church (h3xx[attyzatzat]gmx[dottydot]com) ## License and Copyright Copyright (C) 2023 Dan Church. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the [same terms as Perl itself](https://dev.perl.org/licenses/). ## Thanks Thanks to Sebastian Carlos's https://chickenipsum.lol/ (https://github.com/sebastiancarlos/chicken-ipsum) for the inspiration.