Lingua::EN::Inflect version 1.900 The exportable subroutines of Lingua::EN::Inflect provide plural inflections and "a"/"an" selection for English words. Plural forms of all nouns, most verbs, and some adjectives are provided. Where appropriate, "classical" variants (for example: "brother" -> "brethren", "dogma" -> "dogmata", etc.) are also provided. Pronunciation-based "a"/"an" selection is provided for all English words, and most initialisms. Lingua::EN::Inflect also provides facilities for comparing words in a "number-insensitive" manner (that is, an eq-like comparison in which "ox" and "oxen" compare equal). In generating these inflections, Lingua::EN::Inflect follows the Oxford English Dictionary and the guidelines in Fowler's Modern English Usage, preferring the former where the two disagree. The module is built around standard British spelling, but is designed to cope with common American variants as well. Slang, jargon, and other English dialects are *not* explicitly catered for. However, the module does provide the ability to define new plural forms (or redefine existing ones). Where two or more inflected forms exist for a single word (typically a "classical" form and a "modern" form), by default Lingua::EN::Inflect returns the more common form (typically the "modern" one). The programmer can, however, specify that "classical" plurals should be preferred.