DailyUpdate version 4.3 !If anyone knows how I can move the %tagToHandler and other config variables to another file, please tell me. I can't seem to figure out the scoping correctly... -- Thanks! DailyUpdate is an information integrator. It creates a custom web page from a template HTML file with special tags, replacing those tags with dynamic information acquired from the internet. DailyUpdate needs LWP::UserAgent from the libwww library, URI::URL, and HTML::Parser. Get them from CPAN at %CPAN%/modules/by-module/LWP/. New in version 4.3: Added Infoworld, and Adam@Home. Changed date & time handlers to take any valid strftime format string, and made url attribute to weather mandatory. Changed CoolSite to use their logo. Script only dumps to screen if called as a cgi script. Added default values to date, time, and OutputListOrColumns. New in version 4.2: Added "linuxtoday", and "time". Modified GetText & GetLinks to take "^" and "\$" signifying start and end of file. Added proxy support. Fork is now disabled on Windows platforms. Moved from HTML::Parse to HTML::Parser. Written by David Coppit (coppit@cs.virginia.edu, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/index.html) Send me email if you would like to be notified of updates. Please send me any modifications you make. (for the better, that is. :) Keep in mind that I'm likely to turn down obscure features to avoid including everything but the kitchen sink. This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See http://www.opensource.org/gpl-license.html and http://www.opensource.org/.