DailyUpdate version 4.5 DailyUpdate is an information integrator. It creates a custom web page from a template HTML file with special tags, replacing those tags with dynamic information acquired from the internet. DailyUpdate needs LWP::UserAgent from the libwww library, URI::URL, and HTML::Parser. Get them from CPAN at %CPAN%/modules/by-module/LWP/. New in version 4.5: Added acquisition function GetHtml. Added -i and -o flags for input and output files. Now reads old html file only once (faster). Added "always" schema time option. Now checks script directory for configuration file. Miscellaneous bug fixes, new data sources, and minor enhancements. New in version 4.4: Separated configuration from main script (yea!). Fixed "uninitialized variable" warnings. Created user-submitted schemas webpage at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/code/schemas.html. Added more data acquisition schemas. Written by David Coppit (coppit@cs.virginia.edu, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/index.html) Send me email if you would like to be notified of updates. Please send me any modifications you make. (for the better, that is. :) Keep in mind that I'm likely to turn down obscure features to avoid including everything but the kitchen sink. This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See http://www.opensource.org/gpl-license.html and http://www.opensource.org/.