DailyUpdate version 5.0.1 DailyUpdate is an information integrator. It creates a custom web page from a template HTML file with special tags, replacing those tags with dynamic information acquired from the internet. Send me email if you would like to be notified of updates. Please send me any modifications you make. (for the better, that is. :) Keep in mind that I'm likely to turn down obscure features to avoid including everything but the kitchen sink. CHANGES New in version 5.0.1: - Fixed a bug in MakeHandler.pl - Improved error checking for missing Perl modules when installing new handlers. New in version 5.0: This is a major rewrite. - Handlers, implemented as Perl classes, are now used instead of the schemas of previous versions. The GetHtml, GetText, OutputTwoColumn, OutputUnorderedList, etc. functions are now part of two APIs that can be used by handler writers: DailyUpdate::AcquisitionFunctions, and DailyUpdate::OutputFunctions. - No handlers are distributed with Daily Update. Instead, the user is prompted for permission to install them as necessary. This makes using a new tag easy -- just put it in your input file, run Daily Update once manually, and tell it to download the handler. - The handlers are real Perl, instead of the pseudo Perl used in the schemas. This increases the difficulty of adding new tags, but gives people a lot more flexibility. To help things, I've included a script "MakeHandler.pl" which will create a prototype handler based on user inputs. - GetText now uses HTML::FormatText. - Tags are now of the syntax PREREQUISITES You will need Perl version 5.004 or newer. In addition, Daily Update needs LWP::UserAgent from the libwww library, URI, and HTML::Parser. Get them from CPAN at %CPAN%/modules/by-module/LWP/. Visit http://www.perl.com/ if you don't know about CPAN. INSTALLATION - Quick Start Run DailyUpdate.pl from the command line, and answer yes to the handlers that you want to download for the example template.txt file. See http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/code/DailyUpdate/handlers.html for more tags. Since the example template isn't too exciting, you may want to take your normal homepage and jazz it up with the Daily Update tags. Change the inHtml and outHtml variables in the DailyUpdate.cfg file. - Detailed Installation If you plan to run Daily Update from a cron job, you will probably have to use the #!/path/perl syntax for the first line of the DailyUpdate.pl file. Handlers are put in $INSTALL/DailyUpdate/Handler/. If you later move them to directory $SOMEWHERE/DailyUpdate/Handler/, add $SOMEWHERE to the handlerlocations variable in the configuration file. Similarly, if you move the DailyUpdate.pl and DailyUpdate.cfg files to another directory (like cgi-bin), be sure to update the handlerlocations variable. DOCUMENTATION Go to http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/code/DailyUpdate/index.html. I'll try to get some POD written one of these days... SUPPORT Send email to coppit@cs.virginia.edu. AVAILABILITY The latest version is always available at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/code/DailyUpdate/index.html. In addition, there will be archived versions on $CPAN/authors/id/D/DC/DCOPPIT/. COPYRIGHT Written by David Coppit (coppit@cs.virginia.edu, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~dwc3q/index.html) This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See http://www.opensource.org/gpl-license.html and http://www.opensource.org/.