FileHandle::Unget - A FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes FileHandle::Unget is a drop-in replacement for FileHandle which allows more than one byte to be placed back on the input. It supports an ungetc(ORD) which can be called more than once in a row, and an ungets(SCALAR) which places a string of bytes back on the input. Version 0.12: - Changed the filehandle detection scheme so that filehandles created using Symbol::gensym would be detected correctly. - Fixed a bug in getline and getlines which would cause the routines to not return undef at the end of the file. DEPENDENCIES No non-standard modules are required. INSTALLATION % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install The "perl Makefile.PL" command will prompt you for an installation location if you run it interactively, and will use the default values if it is run non-iteractively. You will be asked to select the locations of certain external compression programs. You can force it to run non-interactively by specifying the following: - either "PREFIX=/installation/path" (for installation into a custom location), "INSTALLDIRS=site" (for installation into site-specific Perl directories), or "INSTALLDIRS=perl" (for installation into standard Perl directories). If make test fails, please see the INSTALLATION PROBLEMS section below. INSTALLATION PROBLEMS If "make test" fails, run make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 and see which test(s) are failing. Please email the results to the address below, or submit a bug report on the project website as described in the section REPORTING BUGS below. For other bugs, see the section REPORTING BUGS below. DOCUMENTATION Just "perldoc FileHandle::Unget". After installation on Unix systems, you can also do "man FileHandle::Unget". HOMEPAGE REPORTING BUGS You can report bugs by filing a bug report at the project homepage. PRIMARY AUTHOR Written by David Coppit (,, with the generous help of many kind people. See the file CHANGES for detailed information. LICENSE This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the file LICENSE included in the distribution.