Mail::Mbox::MessageParser - A fast and simple mbox folder reader Mail::Mbox::MessageParser is a feature-poor but very fast mbox parser. It uses the best of three strategies for parsing a mailbox: either using cached folder information, GNU grep, or highly optimized Perl. Version 1.10: - Testing modules are no longer (accidentally) installed. - External programs are now queried during installation instead of just using whatever is in your path (a security risk). - Changed testing to use PERLRUN instead of FULLPERLRUN, which is not available with older versions of MakeMaker that ship with older versions of Perl. - Cache file permissions are now set to protect against prying eyes. - Improved speed testing. - Added support for opening of files, and decompressing files or filehandles. - Restructured test cases. - Fixed a bug in _PUT_BACK_STRING which would cause major failures on Solaris. - Fixed compatibility problems with perl 5.005_01 - Fixed grep implementation for filenames with spaces in them. - Added "force_processing" option to force processing of files even if they look to be binary or non-mailboxes. DEPENDENCIES - Storable: required if you want to use caching - GNU grep(1): required if you want to use grep support The modules can be found here: Storable: Installation can also be done automatically using the CPAN module: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Storable' INSTALLATION => On Non-Windows systems: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install The "perl Makefile.PL" command will prompt you for an installation location if you run it interactively, and will use the default values if it is run non-iteractively. You will be asked to select the locations of certain external compression programs. You can force it to run non-interactively by specifying each of the following: - either "PREFIX=/installation/path" (for installation into a custom location), "INSTALLDIRS=site" (for installation into site-specific Perl directories), or "INSTALLDIRS=perl" (for installation into standard Perl directories). - the path to one or more external programs. For example, "GREP=/gnu/bin/grep TZIP= GZIP=/gnu/bin/gzip BZIP=/bin/bzip2 BZIP2=/bin/bzip2" would set values for all but one program. "TZIP=" disables compression support and prevents interactive execution. (NOTE: These values are not validated as they are in the interactive query.) If make test fails, please see the INSTALLATION PROBLEMS section below. INSTALLATION PROBLEMS If "make test" fails, run make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 and see which test(s) are failing. Please email, to the address below, the *.testoutput and *.testoutput.diff files for the test, which are located in t/temp. For other bugs, see the section REPORTING BUGS below. DOCUMENTATION Just "perldoc Mail::Mbox::MessageParser". After installation on Unix systems, you can also do "man Mail::Mbox::MessageParser". If you are interested in the Cache, Grep, or Perl implementations, you can do the same for Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Cache, Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Grep. and Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Perl HOMEPAGE REPORTING BUGS You can report bugs by filing a bug report at the project homepage. Please attach the output files noted above. If the bug is related to processing of a particular mailbox, try to trim the mailbox to the smallest set of emails that still exhibit the problem. Then use the "anonymize_mailbox" program that comes with the distribution to remove any sensitive information, and attach the mailbox to the bug report. PRIMARY AUTHOR Written by David Coppit (,, with the generous help of many kind people. See the file CHANGES for detailed information. LICENSE This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the file LICENSE included in the distribution.