grepmail - search mailboxes for a particular email Grepmail searches a normal, gzip'd, bzip'd, or tzip'd mailbox for a given regular expression, and returns those emails that match it. Piped input is allowed, and date and size restrictions are supported. New in version 4.46: - Fixed a bug in -u message id processing. (Thanks go to an anonymous bug reporter on SourceForge.) - Added more workarounds to prevent warnings resulting from a bug in Perl 5.6 (Thanks to Joey Hess ) - Added -Z flag to tell grepmail not to use Mail::Folder::FastReader even if it is installed. - Fixed a bug introduced in version 4.44 where -m would not work unless used with -n. (Thanks to Imre Simon for catching this.) - --help anywhere on the command line now causes the help to be printed, instead of only when used as the first argument. - Test script now exercises both the Mail::Folder::FastReader and perl mailbox implementations as appropriate. - Restructured code to separate out Perl mailbox implementation as Mail::Folder::SlowReader. (This module is embedded in the grepmail script.) New in version 4.45: - Added -n and -V to usage message. - Added workarounds to prevent warnings resulting from a bug in Perl 5.6 - A blank line before the start of an email is not required now. This allows broken folders created by Netscape to be read. See the file CHANGES for a complete change history and credits. MODULE DEPENDENCIES grepmail, by itself, can search mailboxes based on regular expression patterns. However, if you want to search based on date, the Date::Parse module is required. If you want to use more complex date specifications, then Date::Manip should be installed as well. Starting with version 4.44, an addtional module is distributed with grepmail, called Mail::Folder::FastReader. It implements the email reading capability in C for 10-20% faster execution, depending on your system. This module is compiled and installed during the installation of grepmail. (See below) The Date::Parse module is part of the TimeDate distribution, which can be downloaded from: Date::Manip is at: Alternatively, installation can be done automatically using the CPAN module: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Date::Parse' perl -MCPAN -e 'install Date::Manip' INSTALLATION => On Non-Windows systems: % perl Makefile.PL [Choose whether or not to use Mail::Folder::FastReader.] % make % make test % make install If make test fails, please run make testfunc and see which test(s) are failing. Please email the output of running the particular test with the -D flag (e.g.: blib/script/grepmail library -D -d "before July 9 1998" t/mailarc-1.txt to the address below. => On Windows systems: - Just copy "grepmail" to a place in your path DOCUMENTATION "perldoc grepmail" HOMEPAGE Visit for the latest version, mailing lists, discussion forums, CVS access, and more. PRIMARY AUTHOR Written by David Coppit (, LICENSE This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See and