Finance::Bank::Commonwealth - Front-end to =================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Description 2. Availability 3. Prerequisites 4. Installation 5. Running Tests 6. Demonstration Scripts 8. Bugs 9. Copyright 10. Author Information 11. Acknowledgments 1. DESCRIPTION -------------- Finance::Bank::Commonwealth provides an API to the Commonwealth Bank's NetBanking website. It allows a programmer to automate a subset of functionality that the Commonwealth provides, such as paying bills and transferring money between accounts. The functionality depends to a large degree on the whims of the developers working for the Commonwealth Bank and EDS. If they change the HTML, it will cause this module to fail. If the module fails to parse anything that it should parse, it should immediately die. Therefore, catching these exceptions is recommended. Graham Barrs Error module is recommended, or you could just use the try-catch routines described in the Camel Book, or you could just use the old eval statement directly. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, be careful with this program. It ain't guaranteed, it is software, it will have bugs, for someone's sake, probably my own, understand what the program does and be comfortable with it, BEFORE using it. This is the initial release. Subsequent releases will have a Changes file. :) Current thoughts are revolving around providing a GUI front end to the module, to allow Dad 'n Dave to implement a crude form of EFT for their business, or possibly an Apache module. Dunno. See how we go. If ya wanna give me some suggestions or a bug report (strewth!), send an email to It'd be great to know that someone else actually uses this. :) 2. AVAILABILITY --------------- Download the latest version from CPAN, or annoy me until i give you a copy. :) 3. PREREQUISITES ---------------- Finance::Bank::Commonwealth has been tested with the following: Perl 5.6.1 Net::SSLeay 1.12 LWP 5.5397 4. INSTALLATION --------------- Please install any modules mentioned in the PREREQUISITES section above. If you don't, Finance::Bank::Commonwealth won't work. When you run "perl Makefile.PL", Perl should complain if any of the required modules are missing. However, I may have been a bit restrictive on the exact versions on the PREREQUISITES. If you think so, modify the Makefile.PL to allow the lower version, and if it works, let me know. To build this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make install 5. RUNNING TESTS ---------------- To-Do... whoops... :) 6. DEMONSTRATION SCRIPTS ------------------------ There are a few demonstration scripts in the demo/ directory. The author would be happy to include any contributed scripts in future versions of this module. All I ask is that they be documented (preferably using POD) and that the contributor's name and contact information be mentioned somewhere. 8. BUGS ------- Finance::Bank::Commonwealth has just been released and like all software probably has a few gotchas hidden deep inside. What makes this worse is the fact that it is stuffing around with your money. If you find a bug, please report it to the author along with the following information: * version of Perl (output of 'perl -V' is best) * version of Finance::Bank::Commonwealth * operating system type and version * version of nameserver (if known) * exact text of error message or description of problem * the shortest possible program that exhibits the problem If I don't have access to a system similar to yours, I may ask you to insert some debugging lines and report back on the results. The more help and information you can provide, the better. 9. COPYRIGHT ------------- Copyright (c) 2002 David Dick. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 10. AUTHOR INFORMATION ---------------------- Finance::Bank::Commonwealth was created by: David Dick 11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ------------------- Thanks to the developers of Net::DNS who i shamelessly adapted this README from. :) Thanks to Larry Wall and all who have made Perl possible. ---- $Id: README,v 1.00 2002/08/16 11:11:11 ddick Exp $