NAME WebService::SSLLabs - Analyze the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet via VERSION Version 0.16 SYNOPSIS Check the security of your TLS services use WebService::SSLLabs; my $labs = WebService::SSLLabs->new(); my $host; while(not $host = $labs->analyze(host => '')->done()) { sleep 10; } if ($host->status() eq 'READY') { foreach my $endpoint ($host->endpoints()) { say $host->host() . ' at ' . $endpoint->ip_address() . ' gets a ' . $endpoint->grade(); } } DESCRIPTION This is a client module for the API, which provides a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL/TLS web server on the public Internet SUBROUTINES/METHODS new a new "WebService::SSLLabs" object, ready to process TLS services info This call should be used to check the availability of the SSL Labs servers, retrieve the engine and criteria version, and initialize the maximum number of concurrent assessments. Returns one WebService::SSLLabs::Info object on success. analyze This call is used to initiate an assessment, or to retrieve the status of an assessment in progress or in the cache. It will return a single WebService::SSLLabs::Host object on success. The WebService::SSLLabs::Endpoint object embedded in the WebService::SSLLabs::Host object will provide partial endpoint results. Parameters: * host - host name; required. * publish - set to "on" if assessment results should be published on the public results boards; optional, defaults to "off". * start_new - if set to "on" then cached assessment results are ignored and a new assessment is started. However, if there's already an assessment in progress, its status is delivered instead. This parameter should be used only once to initiate a new assessment; further invocations should omit it to avoid causing an assessment loop. * from_cache - always deliver cached assessment reports if available; optional, defaults to "off". This parameter is intended for when you don't want to wait for assessment results. Can't be used at the same time as the start_new parameter. * max_age - maximum report age, in hours, if retrieving from cache (from_cache parameter set). * all - by default this call results only summaries of individual endpoints. If this parameter is set to "on", full information will be returned. If set to "done", full information will be returned only if the assessment is complete (status is READY or ERROR). * ignore_mismatch - set to "on" to proceed with assessments even when the server certificate doesn't match the assessment host name. Set to "off" by default. Please note that this parameter is ignored if a cached report is returned. get_endpoint_data This call is used to retrieve detailed endpoint information. It will return a single WebService::SSLLabs::Endpoint object on success. The object will contain complete assessment information. This call does not initiate new assessments, even when a cached report is not found. Parameters: * host - as above * s - endpoint IP address * from_cache - see above. get_status_codes This call will return one WebService::SSLLabs::StatusCodes instance. DIAGNOSTICS "Failed to retrieve %s" The URL could not be retrieved. Check network and proxy settings. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT WebService::SSLLabs requires no configuration files or environment variables. However, it will use the values of $ENV{no_proxy} and $ENV{HTTP_PROXY} as defaults for calls to the API via the LWP::UserAgent module. DEPENDENCIES WebService::SSLLabs requires the following non-core modules JSON LWP::UserAgent URI::Escape INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-ssllabs at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. AUTHOR David Dick, "" SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc WebService::SSLLabs You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Ivan Ristic and the team at for providing the service at POD was extracted from the API help at LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 David Dick. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.