######################################################################## # # # HL7 API # # # ######################################################################## Contents -------- 1.0 Description 2.0 History 1.0 Description --------------- This is the Perl HL7 API. It is a very simple, but rather flexible API for use in Perl applications. Development is in full progress, so please bear with me for the moment, while I test the API in real situations, and converge on a basic API that provides the stuff you meet in real HL7-life. 2.0 History ----------- version 0.64: * Fixed error in daemon and ack tests * Fixed erroneous setting of MSH fields in Message.pm * set MSH(11) to P and MSH(15) to AL per default * Made new() method of Message also split message string on \n * ACK now takes MSH(11) and MSH(12) from incoming MSH, and sets MSH(15) and MSH(16) to the empty string. * Fixed erroneous sendAck and sendNack methods. The stuff is now sent as a single line, to prevent perl from inserting separators, like end of lines, etc. version 0.63: * fixed some POD errors * added the sendResponse method to Net::HL7::Daemon::Client * Removed NACK module: it doesn't exists in the HL7 world. * The MSH segment now uses index 1 of it's fields for the FIELD_SEPARATOR value; other fields have moved one to the right * added setAckCode method to ACK, to be able to set the error for the acknowledgement. version 0.62: * Fixed erroneous read of input buffer for Client * Added ACK, NACK messages * Added MSH segment * getSegmentByName is removed * Made the Daemon and the Client inherit from IO::Socket, so you can more easy do things with forking and other server operations you would perform on sockets. * Made several constructors set segments and values, like auto-adding the MSH segment to every instance of Message. version 0.61: * Moved the stuff to a new namespace (Net::HL7) * Created a Daemon, resembling the HTTP::Daemon * Created the Request and Response classes * added tests version 0.5: * Added the getField method to HL7::Message * repaired broken message parse for HL7::Message constructor version 0.4: * Removed spurious newline between segments.