This package is currently the Win32::DDE::Client class, and the supporting Win32::DDE and Win32::DDE::Callback classes. Only 'cold' DDE is currently written and tested; I think there is enough .xs code to support 'warm' and 'hot' DDE, as well as a DDE server. I am only currently providing binary for Perl 5.004; the provided binaries will NOT work with ActiveState's Perl, and I don't know if the code is source compatible. If you want to help with warm/hot DDE, Win32::DDE::Server, or an ActiveState port, let me know so we don't duplicate effort. This code was originally lying around on in an unsupported directory; Doug Breshears was the original author, and I can't seem to find any email address for him; Gurusamy Sarathy converted the .xs code from a 16 bit version to a 32 bit version, and I provided the updated .pm files, POD, test script, Makefile.PL, code 'cleanup' (mostly insertion of underscores) and the other junk. To test, run one copy of server.exe, then run the script; it should run all tests correctly, and the server.exe should put a dialog box up when the Execute command in runs. If you run multiple copies, some tests will fail. enjoi Doug Wegscheid