NAME DateTime::Format::SCTS - Parse Service Centre time-stamp DDMMYYhhmmss format SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::SCTS; my $dt = DateTime::Format::SCTS->parse_datetime('030212065530'); print $dt->ymd; # 2012-02-03 print $dt->hms; # 06:55:30 DESCRIPTION SCTS is a string of 12 numeric characters which represents Service Centre time-stamp in DDMMYYhhmmss format. This is a part of EMI-UCP protocol message primarily used to connect to short message service centres (SMSCs) for mobile telephones. See EMI-UCP Interface 5.2 Specification for further explanations. PREREQUISITES * DateTime::Format::Builder SEE ALSO DateTime. BUGS If you find the bug or want to implement new features, please report it at The code repository is available at AUTHOR Piotr Roszatycki LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012 Piotr Roszatycki . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. See