PDL::NetCDFobj, version 0.01 Allows reading and writing of NetCDF files into and out of PDL objects using a simple object-oriented interface. NetCDF is a flexible, binary, portable file standard for storing gridded data. One can access netCDF files through interface libraries in FORTRAN, C/C++ and perl. Numerous utilities also exist for manipulating these files. The following are required for installation: -- PDL v2.0 alpha (tested with pdl v1.95_07), or PDL v2.X, when it comes out. If you want to use the production version of pdl (pdl 1.11), please use PDL::NetCDF version 0.34, also available on CPAN. PDL::NetCDF is somewhat buggy but perfectly useable. I will not update it in the future, preferring instead to work on PDL::NetCDFobj. I changed the name because PDL::NetCDFobj uses an interface which is incompatible with that of PDL::NetCDF. -- perl 5.004 (or later) -- NetCDF version 3 or later The first two are available on CPAN. The third is available from UCAR UNIDATA at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/index.html SYNOPSIS: use PDL; use PDL::NetCDFobj; my $ncobj = PDL::NetCDFobj->new ("test.nc"); # New file my $pdl = pdl [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]; # Specify variable name to put PDL in, plus names of the dimensions. Dimension # lengths are taken from the PDL, in this case, dim1 = 2 and dim2 = 3. $ncobj->put ('var1', ['dim1', 'dim2'], $pdl); my $pdlout = $ncobj->get ('var1'); # $pdlout = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] my $dim1size = $ncobj->dimsize('dim1'); # $dim1size = 2 # A slice of the netCDF variable. # [0,0] is the starting point, [1,2] is the count. my $slice = $ncobj->get ('var1', pdl([0,0]), pdl([1,2])); # $slice = [1,2] # Attach a double attribute of size 3 to var1 $ncobj->putatt (double([1,2,3]), 'double_attribute', 'var1'); my $attr1 = $ncobj->getatt ('double_attribute', 'var1'); # $attr1 = [1,2,3] # Write a textual, global attribute. 'attr_name' is the attribute name. $ncobj->putatt ('The text of the global attribute', 'attr_name'); my $attr2 = $ncobj->getatt ('attr_name'); # $attr2 = 'The text of the global attribute' # Close the netCDF file. The file is also automatically closed in a DESTROY block # when it passes out of scope. This just makes is explicit. $ncobj->close; INSTALLATION: Once the above are installed, edit the Makefile.PL to add the lib and include paths for your machine's NetCDF installation: On my Sun Solaris machine, these are the correct values: $netcdf_lib_path = '/opt/local/lib'; $netcdf_include_path = '/opt/local/include'; On many other UNIX flavors, the correct paths may be /usr/local/* Once this is done, do the normal perl extension thing: perl Makefile.PL make make test (as root) make install Best of luck! Doug Hunt dhunt@ucar.edu Software Engineer III UCAR - GPS/MET