# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # README # Geography::USStates # Version 0.10 # Dion Almaer (dion@member.com) # Tue Dec 15 12:02:59 CST 1998 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ABOUT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geography::USStates holds US State name and abbreviation information that you can get through a few simple functions NOTE: perldoc Geography::USStates to find out more! see 'test.pl' to see sample functions being used! # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPATIBILITY # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This module is pure Perl. It should work with any Perl5 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INSTALL # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To build and test this distribution, type: perl Makefile.PL make test If the tests pass, install it: make install # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROBLEMS/BUG REPORTS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send any reports of problems or bugs to dion@member.com. I wouldn't mind a short note to know that you're using this, just so I can justify its continued development to my manager :-). (In seriousness, a rough idea of how many others are using this will help promote its upkeep.) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREDITS AND LICENSES # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This package is copyright © 1998 by Dion Almer (dion@member.com) and may be distributed under terms of the Artistic License used to cover Perl itself. See the file Artistic in the distribution of Perl 5.002 or later for details of copy and distribution terms. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------