RDF::Redland 0.9.13 - Redland RDF Application Framework DESCRIPTION This is the first version of the CPAN-buildable package for the Redland C RDF library along with the perl interface (RDF::Redland) which comes with full POD documentation. It allows you to manipulate, store and query the Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs from Perl. This should(*) build with a standard CPAN install: perl Makefile.PL (wait some time as it configures and builds the C libraries) make (doesn't do much) make install This isn't likely to work outside a POSIX system since building the C library assumes that kind of system. The description of Redland are given below and also in README.html LICENSE: LGPL/MPL Dave http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ (*) If the above doesn't work, you can try the Redland native way: ./configure (which writes a different Makefile :) make make install --- Redland RDF Application Framework http://www.redland.opensource.ac.uk/ Dave Beckett Institute for Learning and Research Technology University of Bristol Overview Redland is a library that provides a high-level interface for RDF allowing the RDF graph to be parsed from XML, stored, queried and manipulated. Redland implements each of the RDF concepts in its own class via an object based API, reflected into the other language APIs - Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl. Some of the classes providing the parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements are built as modules that can be added or removed as required. This library is mature and has been used in large systems. See the todo list or the website version for an up-to-date copy, and the FAQS for more information. Changes can be found in the NEWS file or more detailed changes in the ChangeLog. Redland provides: * A modular, object based library written in C * Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl interfaces for manipulating the RDF graph and parts - Statements, Resources and Literals * Parsers and Serializers for reading and writing RDF as syntax. * Storage for graphs in memory and on disk via Sleepcat / Berkeley DB. * Query APIs for the graph by Statement (triples) or by Nodes and Arcs * Statement Streams for construction, parsing, de/serialisation of graphs * Start of query language support. * No memory leaks so far. Sources The packaged sources are available from http://www.redland.opensource.ac.uk/dist/source/ (master site) and also from the SourceForge site. There are nightly snapshots of the development version which is can also be browsed via CVSweb. License This library is free software / open source software released under the LGPL or MPL licenses. See LICENSE.html for full details. Installation See INSTALL.html for general installation and configuration information and the language specific documents for installing the interfaces in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby or Tcl. Further documentation is available in the documents area including the API document. Mailing Lists The Redland mailing lists discuss the development and use of Redland and Raptor as well as future plans and announcement of releases. See http://www.redland.opensource.ac.uk/lists/ _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2000-2003 Dave Beckett, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol