DBIx::Table - Class used to represent DBI database tables. Copyright (c) 1999 WebJuice, L.L.C. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Text::Tmpl is a module for very fast templating. There are dozens of templating modules on CPAN, each only a tiny bit different from the others. This one is no different - what sets it aside is speed. The entire module is implemented as a C library, with only a thin XS/Perl layer to make the calls available from Perl. The same templates, then, can be used from either Perl or C/C++ programs. This was originally designed to completely isolate HTML programmers from module/CGI programmers, or at least completely separate logic from content in dynamic web applications. It is syntactically based on a similar system written by a friend of mine, Neil Mix, which was proprietary and exclusively written in Perl. It shares no code in common with this system, or any other. Prerequisites A C compiler, a unix (or derivative) machine, and Perl. At this early stage, this module has only been tested on FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris. I'd be happy to test it on other systems, but I don't have access to any. It is known to not work under Win32, because of assumptions about filesystem layout. Building # perl Makefile.PL # make Installing # make test # make install Additional Information There is a web page for Text::Tmpl at http://pootpoot.com/~dlowe/Text-Tmpl/ The latest version can always be found there. You can my directly at dlowe@pootpoot.com. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. If there's enough demand, I will create a mailing list for discussion/support. Let me know if this interests you.