CGI::Session::DB2 - DB2 backing for CGI::Session by Darin McBride Copyright 2004 Darin McBride QUICK START: Finish reading this README. Install by doing: perl Build.PL Build Build install At this point, the source tree is no longer needed - you can delete it if you wish. SETTING UP DATABASE STORE To create the database and table, you will need to call CGI::Session::DB2 in a manner similar to your actual end use. perl -MCGI::Session::DB2 -e \ 'CGI::Session::DB2->create( DBName=>q[dbname],Schema=>q[cgisess],Table=>q[cgisess])' All other CGI::Session options documented for use with CGI::Session::DB2 are valid here - it is recommended that you put your options into a hash somewhere in your code, and accept a setup or create option that would simply reuse that hash in calling create. my $options = { DBName => q[web], Schema => q[cgisess], Table => q[cgisess], }; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'create') { CGI::Session::DB2->create($options); exit(0); } my $session = new CGI::Session('driver:DB2', $query, $options); # ... Obviously, this is not something you do right away - you need to make a few decisions first, such as what database to use, schema, etc. Also note that this create option will only create a local database. I'm not sure that DB2 supports creating remote databases. However, if your database already is remote, and cataloged locally, the create option may be able to create the table for you. In the remote database case, the DBName should be the locally cataloged name, which is not necessarily the same as the remote database name.