NAME Net::XIPCloud - Perl extension for interacting with Internap's XIPCloud storage platform SYNOPSIS use Net::XIPCloud; # create a new XIPCloud object my $xip = Net::XIPCloud->new( username => 'myusername', password => 'mypassword ); # connect to the cloud (required for all other operations) $xip->connect(); # list all containers $xip->ls(); # list contents of a container named "mycontainer" $xip->ls("mycontainer"); # create a new container called "mycontainer" $xip->mkdir("newcontainer"); # remove a container called "somecontainer" along with its contents $xip->rmdir("somecontainer"); # get utilization stats for the entire account $xip->du(); # get utilization stats for a singe container called "somecontainer" $xip->du("somecontainer"); # get the contents of the "someobject" object within the "somecontainer" container my $data = $xip->get_value("somecontainer","someobject"); # place contents of the "someobject" object within the "somecontainer" container into "/tmp/someobject" $xip->get_file("somecontainer","someobject","/tmp/someobject"); # place the contents of $data into the "someobject" object within "somecontainer" $xip->put_value("somecontainer","someobject",$data,"text/html"); # place the contents of "/tmp/someobject" into the "someobject" object within "somecontainer" $xip->put_file("somecontainer","someobject","/tmp/someobject","text/html "); # delete an object $xip->rm("somecontainer","someobject"); DESCRIPTION This perl module creates an XIPCloud object, which allows direct manipulation of objects and containers within Internap's XIPCloud storage. A valid XIPCloud account is required to use this module new( username => 'username', password => 'password'); Returns a reference to a new XIPCloud object. This method requires passing of a valid username and password. connect() Connects to XIPCloud using the username and password provids in the new() call. Method returns 1 for success and undef for failure. ls([CONTAINER]) Depending on the calling arguments, this method returns the list of containers or list of objects within a single container as an array reference. Limit and marker values may be provided (see API documentation) for pagination. mkdir("somecontainer") This method creates a new container. It returns 1 for success and undef for failure. rmdir("somecontainer") This method removes a container and its contents. It returns 1 for success and undef for failure. du([CONTAINER]) Depending on calling arguments, this method returns account or container-level statistics as a hash reference. get_value("somecontainer","someobject") This method returns a scalar value, containing the body of the requested object. put_value("somecontainer","someobject","","text/html") This method places the contents of a passed scalar into the specified container and object. Content-type may be specified, but is optional. It defaults to "text/plain" get_file("somecontainer","someobject","/tmp/destfile") This method places the contents of the requested object in a target location of the filesystem. put_file("somecontainer","someobject","/tmp/sourcefile","text/html") This method places the contents of a specified source file into an object. rm("somecontainer","someobject") This method removes an object. AUTHOR Dennis Opacki, SEE ALSO perl(1).