README for the Apache/Perl modules This Apache module embeds a perl interpreter in the HTTP server. One benefit of this is that we are able to run scripts without going through the expensive (fork/exec/parameter passing/parsing, perl-startup time, etc.) CGI interface. Not only will scripts run faster, they have direct access to the C API of the server, allowing the developer to extend Apache server functionality with modules written in Perl. The current approach of mod_perl is to allocate and construct one perl interpreter when the server starts. At the same time, load, parse and run one perl script, which may pull in other perl code such as your favorite modules. This also allows you to initiate persistent connections such as to a database server. Then, a subroutine in memory is called to handle each request. The interpreter is destroyed upon restart or shutdown of the server. This *is not CGI*, your existing scripts will need some changes. Apache's i/o is not stream oriented. So, by default, you cannot print() to STDOUT from your script, use $r->print() instead. Nor can you read() from STDIN, use $r->read() or the $r->content methods to read POST data. As of Perl5.003_02, there are two mechanisms in place for redirecting the STDIN and STDOUT streams. See the UsersGuide for more information. See the eg/ directory and read the documentation in for examples. Your scripts will not run from the command line unless you use the CGI::Switch module. For users of, see the Apache::CGI, CGI::XA and CGI::Switch modules. There are modules on the way to support the CGI::* modules as well. It is also possible to write full-blown Apache modules in Perl for things such as server side includes. See the Apache::SSI, Apache::Authen, Apache::AuthzAge, Apache::AccessLimitNum and Apache::Registry modules as examples. For comments, questions, bug-reports, announcements, etc., send mail to with the string "subscribe modperl" in the body. (Thanks to Mark A. Imbriaco ) Thanks to James Cooper , there is a hypermail archive for this list at: Patrick Kane maintains the mod_perl FAQ available at: The latest version of this software and other information is available at: KNOWN BUGS mod_perl leaks memory when the server is restarted, this is a problem with perl itself, which is being fixed. Installation needs work. TODO o Provide full support for and CGI::* module with Apache::* subclasses o Apache::Database module or some such to manage persistent database connections o Complete Apache.xs interface o Provide an optional and configurable Safe wrapper around embedded scripts (almost there) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - See 'Changes' file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy, -Doug MacEachern