NAME CGI::Utils - Utilities for retrieving information through the Common Gateway Interface SYNOPSIS use CGI::Utils; my $utils = CGI::Utils->new; $utils->parse; my $fields = $utils->vars; # or $utils->Vars my $field1 = $$fields{field1}; or my $field1 = $utils->param('field1'); # File uploads my $file_handle = $utils->param('file0'); # or $$fields{file0}; my $file_name = "$file_handle"; DESCRIPTION This module can be used almost as a drop-in replacement for for those of you who do not use the HTML generating features of This module provides an object-oriented interface for retrieving information provided by the Common Gateway Interface, as well as url-encoding and decoding values, and parsing CGI parameters. For example, CGI has a utility for escaping HTML, but no public interface for url-encoding a value or for taking a hash of values and returning a url-encoded query string suitable for passing to a CGI script. This module does that, as well as provide methods for creating a self-referencing url, converting relative urls to absolute, adding CGI parameters to the end of a url, etc. Please see the METHODS section below for more detailed descriptions of functionality provided by this module. File uploads via the multipart/form-data encoding are supported. The parameter for the field name corresponding to the file is a file handle that, when evaluated in string context, returns the name of the file uploaded. To get the contents of the file, just read from the file handle. METHODS new() Returns a new CGI::Utils object. urlEncode($str) Returns the fully URL-encoded version of the given string. It does not convert space characters to '+' characters. urlDecode($url_encoced_str) Returns the decoded version of the given URL-encoded string. urlEncodeVars($var_hash, $sep) Takes a hash of name/value pairs and returns a fully URL-encoded query string suitable for passing in a URL. By default, uses the newer separator, a semicolon, as recommended by the W3C. If you pass in a second argument, it is used as the separator between key/value pairs. urlDecodeVars($query_string) Takes a URL-encoded query string, decodes it, and returns a reference to a hash of name/value pairs. For multivalued fields, the value is an array of values. If called in array context, it returns a reference to a hash of name/value pairs, and a reference to an array of field names in the order they appear in the query string. getSelfRefHostUrl() Returns a url referencing top level directory in the current domain, e.g., getSelfRefUrl() Returns a url referencing the current script (without any query string). getSelfRefUrlWithQuery() Returns a url referencing the current script along with any query string parameters passed via a GET method. getSelfRefUrlDir() Returns a url referencing the directory part of the current url. addParamsToUrl($url, $param_hash) Takes a url and reference to a hash of parameters to be added onto the url as a query string and returns a url with those parameters. It checks whether or not the url already contains a query string and modifies it accordingly. If you want to add a multivalued parameter, pass it as a reference to an array containing all the values. getParsedCookies() Parses the cookies passed to the server. Returns a hash of key/value pairs representing the cookie names and values. parse({ max_post_size => $max_bytes }) Parses the CGI parameters. GET and POST (both url-encoded and multipart/form-data encodings), including file uploads, are supported. If the request method is POST, you may pass a maximum number of bytes to accept via POST. This can be used to limit the size of file uploads, for example. param($name) Returns the CGI parameter with name $name. The parse() method must be called before the CGI parameters will be available. If called in array context, it returns an array. In scalar context, it returns an array reference for multivalued fields, and a scalar for single-valued fields. vars($delimiter) Also Vars() to be compatible with The parse() method must be called before this one. Returns a reference to a tied hash containing key/value pairs corresponding to each CGI parameter. For multivalued fields, the value is an array ref, with each element being one of the values. If you pass in a value for the delimiter, multivalued fields will be return as a string of values delimited by the delimiter you passed in. uploadInfo($file_name) Returns a reference to a hash containing the header information sent along with a file upload. AUTHOR Don Owens COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 Don Owens All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. VERSION 0.02