AxKit/XSP/Blog ============== What is it ---------- This is a rather _experimental_ package to syndicate several sources of weblogs, consolidate them into a database and use the database entries when displaying weblogs with AxKit. How to install -------------- The basic installation is done via the usual incantation: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Following files might be helpful (see below): cp support/blog_tags.xps /where/ever/your/stylesheets/are/ cp xslt/rss* /where/ever/your/stylesheets/are/ How to use ---------- The model used here includes: (1) download weblog data from various sources and store the individule weblog entries in an DBI database (2) use an AxKit XSP taglib to expand the weblog entries into an XSP page (3) use the AxKit infrastructure to render the weblog-specific tags (into, say, HTML) For (1) you may find the following utilities helpful - getblog Provided with some parameters, it will download the blog from those sources which allow you to read them via XML-RPC and will output it on STDOUT - blog2dbi Takes a blog on STDIN and saves it into a DBI database. Look at utilities/blogs.mysql for a DBI schema definition. Blogs available from,, .... can be imported like this --Username='user' --Password='xxxxx' --Proxy='' --blogname='my blog' | --dsn="dbi:mysql:database=topicmaps;user=nobody;table=blogs" --blog_uid='' Blogs which are only available as RSS (0.9, 0.91, 1.0 or 2.0) I have included rudimentary XSLT sheets which allow you to convert the RSS stream into a XBlog XML document: GET | xsltproc --param author_name "'First LastName'" --param author_email "'user@email.address'" ../xslt/rss2toblog.xslt - | --dsn="dbi:mysql:database=topicmaps;user=nobody;table=blogs" --blog_uid='' I have reengineered the samples collected in the samples directory for that. Patches WELCOME. For (2) please read the AxKit::XSP::Blog documentation. For (3) I have included my version of an XPathScript doing the rendering (see support/blog_tags.xps) Copyright --------- Copyright 200[2] Robert Barta, This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.