Language/Prolog/SWI =================== This is a wrapper package for the Prolog C/C++ implementation SWI-Prolog PREREQUISITES To build and run this extension you need the following - SWI-Prolog (from the URL above), any 5.0.x version should do Note: Debian users should install apt-get install swi-prolog apt-get install swi-prolog-clib apt-get install swi-prolog-doc - libtool Note: Debian users should install apt-get install libtool - Generic library support script apt-get install libtool-doc - Generic library support script - SWI-Prolog shareable object (see the HINTS file) You will need the sources for SWI-Prolog for that. Sorry, no debianization yet - SWIG (only necessary for building) Note: Debian users should install apt-get install swig1.3 - Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code. apt-get install swig1.3-examples - Examples for applications of SWIG. INSTALLATION To install this module do the following: - check the prerequisites above - edit Makefile.PL and set the variable TOP to where SWIG maintains its examples: If you have installed from the sources, this might be /usr/local/src/SWIG-1.3.14/Examples/ If you installed via Debian then the usual place is /usr/doc/swig1.3/examples You should gunzip the Makefile: gunzip Makefile.gz - do the usual thing: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install CONTENT - Perl packages Language::Prolog::SWI::base (introduction, top level) Language::Prolog::SWI (real wrapper package) - C++ class definition SWIProlog.cpp - SWIG interface file SWI.i - patch for Makefile to build shareable objects DOCUMENTATION - look at the Language::Prolog::SWI::base man page - The C++ API itself is documented at COPYRIGHT (C) 2002