WHAT IT IS This is a program/module for bringing a set of files under ClearCase control by making the minimal set of required changes and running the minimal set of cleartool operations. The real code is in the module, but a wrapper script 'synctree' is provided for command- line access. Full documentation for both is provided as inline POD format. PROVENANCE ClearCase::SyncTree is a distant descendant of Paul Smith's 'citree' program, which in turn is a distant descendant of a sample script by the same name provided with ClearCase. Though it bears no resemblance to Paul's any more, I retain his copyright since mine did mutate from his. PLATFORM NOTE This package is believed to work on all ClearCase platforms including Windows. Note, however, that while the _module_ has significant Windows testing, the synctree wrapper script does not as I don't use it there. It does appear to work just fine in limited Windows testing, though.