README for VMS::SysInfo Copyright (c) 1997 Dan Sugalski and Linn-Benton Community College You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License, as distributed with Perl. This module lets you retrieve most of the info available via the system service GETSYI, or the DCL lexical F$GETSYI. perl mms mms test to build and test the extension. If it tests OK, then mms install to install it. More info is in the POD documentation in the ProcInfo.PM file. VMS::SysInfo allows Perl programs to retrieve info about systems. The information it returns is pretty much equivalent to DCL's F$GETSYI function. This module can't violate VMS system security in any way that DCL can't, so if you can see something with F$GETSYI, you can see it with VMS::SysInfo. If you can't in DCL, you can't here, either.