================================================= -=* Convert::Ethiopic *=- Tools for working with Ethiopic text in Perl ----------------------- README file for Convert-Ethiopic distribution: This package was originally developed as an interface to the LibEth programming library for Ethiopic text and information processing. The Ethiopic module is not a comprehensive interface to the LibEth library but the minimum to support the "LiveGeez" module which is an implementation of the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol. The modules Ethiopic::Cstocs and Ethiopic::Time are intended primarily as services to the LiveGe'ez module and as such expect a LiveGeez::Request object as an argument (though can work with any object containing the expected hash keys and values). In future versions of the Ethiopic::Cstocs module should apply the same type of interface as used in the Cz::Cstocs module from the Cstool package which the Ethiopic::Convert package is loosely based on. Module Ethiopic::System: Creates an Ethiopic "system" object that holds conversion settings. Module Ethiopic::Cstocs: Implements an object for various character set code conversions. Character set systems are specified by a canonical name specified in the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol. Optional secondary conversion give the number of conversion possibilities at more than 68x9x2. Module Ethiopic::Time: Implements an object for various calendar services. The most useful methods are EthiopicToGregorian, GregorianToEthiopic, and isEthiopianHoliday. Program edate.pl: Gives you the current date and time with Ethiopic formatting in the languages Amharic and Tigrigna. Has oodles of options that can be combined together. See -? you will need an Ethiopic font and a terminal supporting UTF8. Program enumber.pl: Converts numbers from English to Ethiopic from standard input. Program estring.pl: Converts strings between Ethiopic encoding systems. Will emulate the "cstocs" and "g2" utilities more closely in the future. [ NOTE the .pl demo files require the LiveGeez modules and must be hand installed for the time being. ] Installation: LibEth is required: http://libeth.netpedia.net Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the Convert-Ethiopic-* directory. Then do perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Available: ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/fidel/perl-unicode/ and from your favorite CPAN site in the authors/id/D/DY/DYACOB/ directory. Copyright: (c) 1999 Daniel Yacob, dmulholl@cs.indiana.edu. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.