================================================= LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol -=* Zobel *=- ----------------------- README file for the Zobel LiveGe'ez RPP Implementation. Zobel is a collection of modules and a front end CGI script that implement the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol specification. At this stage Zobel implements on the CGI query services fully and will (soon) be compliant with the HTML markup specification. Latest Zobel hype/summary: http://libeth.netpedia.net/Zobel/ Definitive info on the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol is found at: http://libeth.netpedia.net/LiveGeez.html If you do not intend to process Ethiopic web documents on remote servers, this package will not be very useful for you. Prerequisites for Zobel are the modules LWP::Simple, HTML::Entities, Convert::Ethiopic, and the old chestnut "cgi-lib.pl" and "cookies.pl" which have been included in the "bin" directory. Module LiveGeez::Request Instantiates an object that contains a parsed LiveGe'ez query. The request object is required by any other LiveGe'ez function of object. Module LiveGeez::Services Services.pm provides request processing services for a LiveGe'ez query as specified in the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol. "ProcessRequest" takes a LiveGe'ez LiveGeez::Request object and performs the appropriate service. Module LiveGeez::File Instantiates an object for processing an Ethiopic text or HTML document. The constructor requires a LiveGeez::Request object as an argument. Program LiveGeez::HTML Provides the routines for conversion of HTML document content between Ethiopic encoding systems and for pre-interpretation of HTML markups for compliance with the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol. Program LiveGeez::Local The required module by all other LiveGe'ez modules. Local.pm contains site specific settings for default encoding systems, language, and paths. Program Z.pl: The front end of the "Zobel" implementation of the LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol. The expected and intended use is via CGI query, however the Z.pl script is serviceable at the command line as well. Installation: Obtain and install Convert::Ethiopic from where you found Zobel. LibEth is required: http://libeth.netpedia.net Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the LiveGeez-* directory. Then do Edit LiveGeez/Local.pl and bin/cookies.pl perl Makefile.PL make make install The scripts in "bin" are not automatically installed - you will probably want to install it in the appropriate place for CGI service on your system (vs /usr/local/bin etc.) Available: ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/fidel/perl-unicode/ and from your favorite CPAN site in the authors/id/D/DY/DYACOB/ directory. Copyright: (c) 1999 Daniel Yacob, dmulholl@cs.indiana.edu. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.