NAME rll - Rogelike Library for Perl SYNOPSIS package myarea; use base 'rll::area'; $r = myarea->new(w=>80,h=>50,dispw=>40,disph=>18); # creates a area with specified width/height & map display width/height $r->genmaze2(); # make a cavelike maze $char = rll::mob->new($r, sym=>'@'); # add a mobile object with symbol '@' $r->setvp($char); # set viewpoint to be from Bob's perspective $r->setpov(8); # set pov (sight) area to be distance 8 $r->drawmap(); # draw the map while (!((my $c = $r->getch()) eq 'q')) { $char->kbdmove($c); $r->drawmap(); } DESCRIPTION library for pulling together field of view, character handling and map drawing code. * rll::area is the main "area" object * uses the rll::console library to draw the map * assumes the user will be using overridden rll::mob's as characters in the game SEE ALSO rll::area, rll::mob, rll::console AUTHOR Erik Aronesty "" LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See or the included LICENSE file.