The files in this directory provide tools for conjugating the Portuguese verbs. - is a perl module with low-level tools (see manpage) - conjug is a perl program that conjugates verbs (see manpage) - treinar is a perl program that drills the user on conjugation. Quick demo : perl -e 'use Lingua::PT::Conjugate; print conjug("programar","perfeito")' programar : perf programei programaste programou programamos programaram See also : Requisites : Perl 5.004 or greater. Maybe less will do. Perl Module : Term::Readlines and Term::ReadKey are needed for the "treinar" program. Installation : gunzip Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar.gz tar xvf Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar cd Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM perl Makefile.PL make make test make install MAN PAGES : conjug : Progam conjugating Portuguese verbs. treinar : Training at conjugation. Conjugate : Description of the algorithm. BUG REPORTS: Please send me ( all and any encountered bug, patches, suggestions, etc... don't mail with names that my spam filters detects. Copyright (c) 1997,1999 Etienne Grossmann All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.