The files in this directory provide tools for conjugating Portuguese verbs and recognizing conjugated forms of these verbs. - is a perl module with low-level tools (see manpage) - conjug is a perl program that conjugates verbs (see manpage) - treinar is a perl program that drills the user on conjugation. - is a perl module with low-level tools. - unconj is a perl program that regcognizes conjugated verbs. Quick demo : perl -e 'use Lingua::PT::Conjugate; print conjug("programar","perfeito")' programar : perf programei programaste programou programamos programaram See also : Requisites : Perl 5.004 or greater. Maybe less will do. Perl Module : "treinar" require the Term::ReadLine and Term::ReadKey modules. Term::ReadLine::Perl or Term::ReadLine::Gnu are more friendly. Installation : gunzip Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar.gz tar xvf Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM.tar cd Lingua-PT-Conjugate-V.MM perl Makefile.PL make make test make install MAN PAGES : conjug : Progam conjugating Portuguese verbs. treinar : Training at conjugation. unconj : Recognizes conjugated portuguese verbs. Lingua::PT::UnConjugate : Description of module functions. Lingua::PT::Conjugate : Description of the conjugation algorithm. BUG REPORTS: Mail me at about bug, patches and suggestions. Copyright (c) 1997,1999 Etienne Grossmann All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. CREDITS: Thanks to all people on usenet and here at ISR with whom I have discussed about this module, who have provided advice on conjugation, programming, on naming and on all relevant points. Thanks to Lupe Christoph from and to Miguel Marques for finding and fixing some bugs. Thanks to Soraia Almeida ( from the Logos project ( and Ulisses Pinto and José João Almeida from Projecto Natura ( who made Ispell available. A big part of the list of verb infinitives comes from files used in Ispell ( and in Logos (, these projects. Some verbs were removed and others added by hand. A fix for the verb "pedir" was sent by Itai Nahshon