EBI-FGPT-FuzzyRecogniser The module EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser takes in the constructor an ontology file (OWL/OBO/OMIM/MeSH) and parses it into an internal table of ontology terms (type of EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser::OntologyTerm). The module contains the find_match method which finds the best match for the supplied term in the given ontology. This can be then queried for ->match_similarity(), ->matched_value(), ->matched_label(), and ->matched_accession(). The best match is based on the n-grams similarity metric. INSTALLATION Use: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install DEPENDENCIES Moose IO::File; Getopt::Long; GO::Parser; OWL::Simple::Parser 1.00; MeSH::Parser::ASCII 0.02; Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMparser; EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser::OntologyTerm; EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser::OntologyTerm::Annotation; EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser::OntologyTerm::Label; EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser::OntologyTerm::Synonym; Log::Log4perl IO::Handle; Benchmark List::Util Data::Dumper; DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation modules and scripts with the perldoc command, e.g.: perldoc EBI-FGPT-FuzzyRecogniser or visit the respective page on CPAN COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE EBI::FGPT::FuzzyRecogniser module finds the best match for the supplied term in the given ontology. Copyright [2011] EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed free of charge for academic, non-commercial purposes under the EMBL Standard academic license; and for a fee to commercial users and/or commercial purposes under a commercial license. For download please follow: http://www.embl-em.de/login.php