Mac::Apps::Seasonality::LoadICAOHistory version 0.0.6 Seasonality ( is a weather tracking and display application for MacOS X. This module provides a means of getting data into Seasonality that it cannot retrieve on its own. Mac::Apps::Seasonality::LoadICAOHistory is designed to handle data that has already been converted into Perl data structures. There is an additional module, Mac::Apps::Seasonality::LoadICAOHistoryFromCSV, which parses data in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format and feeds it to Mac::Apps::Seasonality::LoadICAOHistory. Finally, there is a command-line tool, load_seasonality_history, that deals with the Seasonality application itself and handing files into Mac::Apps::Seasonality::LoadICAOHistoryFromCSV. This program will take advantage of Growl (, if the Mac::Growl module is installed, but this is not required. At present, the requirements for the input data are very strict and said data must conform very closely to what ends up in the database. Future versions will be more lenient. This module is very early early in its development. Don't consider any of the interfaces of this module to be stable. INSTALLATION To install this module, ensure Module::Build is installed, then run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install DEPENDENCIES Seasonality version 1.3 or 1.4. NOTE ON ENCODINGS All files in this distribution should be considered to be in UTF-8 format. Some standard documentation tools do not presently deal very well with this and their output is mangled. Give that it is the 21st century, this is considered a bug in those tools and not in this distribution. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright ©2006-2007, Elliot Shank . All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.