NAME HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities DESCRIPTION This module provides you with an object-oriented (and subclassable) way of outputting HTML. Basically, you open up an "HTML stream" on an existing filehandle, and then do all of your output to the HTML stream (you can intermix HTML-stream-output and ordinary-print-output, if you like). Here's small sample of the different ways you can use this module: use HTML::Stream; $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT; # The vanilla interface... tag $HTML 'A', HREF=>"$href"; tag $HTML 'IMG', SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"; text $HTML "My caption!"; tag $HTML '_A'; text $HTML $a_lot_of_text; # The chocolate interface (with whipped cream)... $HTML -> A(HREF=>"$href") -> IMG(SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO") -> t("My caption!") -> _A -> t($a_lot_of_text); # The strawberry interface... output $HTML [A, HREF=>"$href"], [IMG, SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"], "My caption!", [_A]; output $HTML $a_lot_of_text; MODULE SPECIFICATIONS Module DSLI Description Info ---------- ---- ---------------------------------------- ---- HTML:: ::Stream adpO OO "stream" for outputting HTML ERYQ REQUIREMENTS Perl5.002 or better (an eval bug in Perl5.001l will probably cause core dumps during AUTOLOAD, and I have no idea if 5.001m fixed it). INSTALLATION Pretty simple: 1. Gunzip and de-tar the distribution, and cd to the top level. 2. Type: perl Makefile.PL 3. Type: make # this step is optional 4. Type: make test # this step is optional 5. Type: make install Other interesting targets in the Makefile are: make config # to check if the Makefile is up-to-date make clean # delete local temp files (Makefile gets renamed) make realclean # delete derived files (including ./blib) CHANGE LOG 1.19 Base release. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Copyright (c) 1996 by Eryq. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See the COPYING file in the distribution for details. AUTHOR Eryq, 15 July 1996