**** **** MIME-parser-1.7 has been uploaded to the CPAN under my author **** id (ERYQ) and name (Eryq). **** NAME MIME-parser - family of MIME:: modules for parsing MIME messages ALPHA-RELEASE WARNING THIS CODE IS IN AN EVALUATION PHASE UNTIL 1 AUGUST 1996. Depending on any comments/complaints received before this cutoff date, the interface *may* change in a non-backwards-compatible manner. DESCRIPTION MIME-parser is a collection of Perl5 MIME:: modules for parsing and decoding single- or multipart (even nested multipart) MIME messages. SYNOPSIS You start by creating an instance of MIME::Parser, and setting up certain parsing parameters: what directory to save extracted files to, how to name the files, etc. You then give that instance a readable filehandle on which waits a MIME message. If all goes well, you will get back a MIME::Entity object, consisting of a MIME::Head (which holds the MIME header data) and the name of the file in which the (decoded) body has been stored. If the original message was a multipart document, the MIME::Entity object will have a non-empty list of "parts", each of which is in turn a MIME::Entity (which might also be a multipart entity, etc, etc...). Internally, MIME::Parser asks for instances of MIME::Decoder whenever it needs to decode an encoded file. MIME::Decoder has a mapping from supported encodings (e.g., 'base64') to classes whose instances can decode them. You can add to this mapping to try out new/experiment encodings. You can also use MIME::Decoder by itself. MODULE SPECIFICATIONS Module DSLI Description Info ---------- ---- ---------------------------------------- ---- MIME:: ::Decoder adpO OO interface for decoding MIME messages ERYQ ::Entity adpO An extracted and decoded MIME entity ERYQ ::Head adpO A parsed MIME header ERYQ ::Parser adpO Parses streams to create MIME entities ERYQ CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE ./MIME/*.pm the MIME-parser classes ./Makefile the distribution makefile ./COPYING terms and conditions for copying/using the software ./README this file ./docs/ HTMLized documentation ./etc/ convenient copies of other modules you'll need ./testin/ files you can use for testing (as in "make test") ./testout/ the output of "make test" REQUIREMENTS Obtain and install the following modules from the CPAN: MIME::QuotedPrint MIME::Base64 For your convenience, possibly-old copies are provided in the ./etc directory, of the distribution, but they are NOT installed for you during the installation procedure. INSTALLATION 1. Gunzip and de-tar the distribution. 2. Edit the Makefile (mostly, to tell it where to put the new modules). 3. Issue the following commands: make test make install CHANGE LOG 1.10 A typo was causing the epilogue of an inner multipart message to be swallowed to the end of the OUTER multipart message; this has now been fixed. Thanks to Starovoitov Igor for reporting this bug. A bad regexp for parameter names was causing some parameters to be parsed incorrectly; this has also been fixed. Thanks again to Starovoitov Igor for reporting this bug. It is now possible to get full control of the filenaming algorithm before output files are generated, and the default algorithm is safer. Thanks to Laurent Amon for pointing out the problems, and suggesting some solutions. Fixed illegal "simple" multipart test file. D'OH! 1.9 No changes: 1.8 failed CPAN registration 1.8. Fixed incompatibility with 5.001 and FileHandle::new_tmpfile Added COPYING file, and improved README. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Copyright (c) 1996 by Eryq. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See the COPYING file in the dsitribution for details. SEE ALSO The MIME format is documented in RFC 1521. The MIME header format is documented in RFC 822. AUTHOR Eryq, eryq@rhine.gsfc.nasa.gov 28 April 1996