NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHubREADME::Badge - Dist::Zilla - add badges to github SYNOPSIS # in dist.ini [GitHubREADME::Badge] # configure it yourself [GitHubREADME::Badge] badges = travis badges = coveralls badges = gitter badges = cpants badges = issues badges = github_tag badges = license badges = version badges = codecov badges = gitlab_ci badges = gitlab_cover place = bottom phase = release DESCRIPTION Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHubREADME::Badge is to add badges in github CONFIG badges Currently only travis, coveralls, codecov, gitter, cpants and GH issues are supported. but patches welcome. default goes to travis, coveralls and cpants. [GitHubREADME::Badge] badges = travis badges = coveralls badges = gitter badges = cpants place [GitHubREADME::Badge] place = bottom top or bottom. default to top phase [GitHubREADME::Badge] phase = release Which Dist::Zilla phase to add the badges: build or release. The default is build. SEE ALSO Minilla, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TravisCI::StatusBadge AUTHOR Fayland Lam COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014- Fayland Lam LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.